One night Beijing chapter 4

Mar 14, 2010 20:57

Title:One night Beijing
Pairings:YooSu, little mix between Yunho, Changmin, Jaejoong (I don't know)
Rating: PG for now
Genre:drama, AU
A/N: This will be a short chaptered fanfic.
Summary:A promise to fulfill he heads toward Beijing, where he is going to meet the wave that swept over Asia like a tsunami.
While he felt something wet against his lips Junsu jerked up and pushed the cause away.

Taemin was beside him pushing a glass with water toward his lips. “You should drink this. Your body is dehydrated.”

With a thankful nod he took the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

“How long was I out?” He rose from the bed to look around his surroundings. They were back home and Junsu was resting in his own bed. He was fully dressed from head to toe.

A tint of red was visible on his pink cheeks and he buried his head in the pillow. “Who dressed me?”

“Hahaha Ge no need to feel embarrassed, we’re both guys. What do you have that I don’t?” Rest for now and tomorrow we’ll go do some shopping.” With that Taemin closed the door leaving an uneasy Junsu.

When the next morning arrived Junsu was dragged out of his bead by a beaming Taemin. “Ge hurry up! There is so much for us to do. I want to show you xiu shue. It the biggest cloth market and you can find everything there.”

Junsu was half asleep and half awake. The morning is young and he was just dreaming about his sister, about their younger days together in a carefree world where no bad luck has befallen them.

His mind wandered back to Prague. Before this awful disease had completely invaded his sister’s body and would in the end kill her.

“Junsu there is a call for you. It’s Junha.” Fast as the lightning Junsu dashed to the phone. He didn’t bother with any greetings, instead he called out her name again and again.

Tears rolled down his cheeks and he sobbed uncontrollably. There were so many things he wanted to say to her. How much he missed her and her presence in his life.

All the things he saw, he wanted to share this experience with her but she was so far away.

“Is it hot over there? I saw in the news that it’s already 39 degrees over there. I wonder how DBSK will perform in the heat.”

She sounded so carefree and not the slightest hint of her being sick. She continued to ramble up all the stuff she dreamt of doing and places to see. Inside himself Junsu promised himself that he would visit all those places and eat all the weird stuff she said, even a dog if she wanted him to. There was no limit to his indulges to his sister.

“Please take care of yourself Junha!” She just chuckled and it made Junsu cringe inside. Junha didn’t believe that she would survive until his return.

“I will dear brother and your just take care of your little duck butt.”

“Hey! Stop calling me that! Even Taemin is using it to blackmail me.” In front him Junsu saw Taemin turned around and started to sway his hips. To Junsu there wasn’t anything seductive about it, more like a mocking gesture. Then Taemin slapped his own ass in a dirty was and challenging, asking silently-you want a piece of this?

Junsu couldn’t help to laugh at this childish display and laughed for the first time since he arrived in Beijing. It was a relaxing sound and it brought his gan ma’s curious attention.

She was a bit lost about the sudden cheerfulness in Junsu’s eyes.

“Hahahaha stop it both of you.” His sister on the other side of the line was laughing together with him.
“Ge we’re going to leave soon so please hurry.”

Junsu wanted to talk just a little more with his sister and threw daggers with his eyes at Taemin. He was still flustered after his happy outbreak and couldn’t fixate his so called angry daggers to a precise target.

“Junsu you should have fun and stop crying in front anyone else. A man doesn’t shed tears if not necessary.”

“Then I’ll save them. Until they choke me I will not give away.”

“That’s my baby brother. I love you.”

“I love you.” Junsu said every word with meaning behind and hung up. He felt relief and the world around him looked like a new one. He felt like a newborn, gazing upon the world with entire new energy and strength.

“Junsu breakfast is ready.” His gan man called from the kitchen and Junsu competed with Taemin who would get to the kitchen first.

“You two are nothing like teenagers. More like from kindergarten.” She filled their bowls with duo jiang and settled herself in a chair opposite of Taemin.

Junsu smutted a sip of the cold duo jiang, savoring the taste of beans and sugar. “Mmmm”
Taemin pointed at his own mouth and signaled to him to wipe the white beard above his lips. But Junsu mistook the signal and blushed.

There was something tempting about Taemin and it made Junsu tingle inside. Maybe it was the first time he had a guy as a friend who gave him attention or simple because he had feeling for the younger. But Junsu erased the last option.

“Junsu how cute you are. I’m sure a lot of girls liked you in Prague.” His gan ma wiped the white scum left by duo jiang and laughed at Junsu’s big eyes. How was he supposed to tell his gan man that he was a nobody in Prague? He always wore his baggy cloth and no one could see his face because he was always hiding behind those thick glasses of his.

As a lame excuse he said that no girls had taken an interest in him ever. Taemin had a disbelieved look on his face.

Well Junsu was indeed different this summer. He had a mature and had a totally different aura around him. He was no longer insecure and scared of looking at others. Maybe it was because of the turmoil in the last month that made him like this.

He still wore shabby cloth to hide himself but the difference was very much visible. If Taemin knew Junsu before he came to China then he would be dumbstruck when he saw the new Junsu.

A deep frown has also set Junsu of older age, his face was sharpened by worry and sleepless nights and those eyes could see right through one.

When they finished breakfast Taemin took some money from gan ma’s wallet, or maybe not some, he took a lot. Junsu wasn’t so happy with the idea of taking his gan man’s money, he didn’t want to feel indebted to her.

The instant they stepped outside Junsu felt the hot summer air hit him with full force. A layer of heat was plastered onto his skin.

Streets were filled with noises, chatters of thousands people walking and just as many cars driving between the wide roads, which could allow six cars to drive next to each other.

Junsu was so excited about going out to a far place. Last week he’s only been roaming in the close alleys and markets because of a so called swine flu. It was nearly a deadly flu back in Prague but here in China people only thought of it as a bother and didn’t want to be infected.

His stomach was churning and his throat burnt like fire, causing him to feel impatient and wanted to arrive at their destination as fast as they could.

To his relief xiu shui was a four floor super cloth market. Inside there was restaurants and cd shops. He set his eyes onto a pair of dark blue jeans. His eyes were fixated on them and Taemin took notice of his haltered steps.

“Ge if you want to buy it then come on.” Taemin dragged him to the little store and asked the women who worked there to take out a pair of jeans to let Junsu try. She handed it to Junsu and waited for him to step behind while she held a curtain made out of wool and other fabrics.

Junsu was still a bit unsure about what she meant. Was he suppose to step behind and let her cover hold the curtain like a dressing room to him?

“Hahaha ge. Yes you are suppose to stand inside that circle and test out the jeans.”

Inside Junsu’s head he cursed and unwillingly stepped inside. After like five minutes he was still not done. After coming inside from the hot weather the fabrics were sticking to his legs making it hard for him to pull up the pants.

“Ge are you done?” Taemin hung on the curtains and looked inside. He catched a flustered Junsu, trying to catch his breath because the jeans were so hard to pull up. “I thought you had a better condition than that.”
Junsu was like a mouse seeing a predator. “Yah stop peeping. People can see me if you lay to much weight on the curtains”

“Oh yeah. I should tell them to pay before the show right?”

At half twelve Taemin and Junsu has finished every store on the first and second store. They held like ten bags each and things were adding up if they didn’t stop there.

“Ge I think we should drop of the bags first and then find somewhere to eat. “ Junsu was more than willing to oblige.

Together they walked under the summer heating sun. Junsu felt like a grilled chicken, sweat was dripping from his temples and his shirt was soaked in seat. He even felt disgusted his himself. Thank god he hasn’t started to smell yet.

His feet were feeling sore and his sole was hot, grinning against his sandals. “Where does that friend of yours live?”

“We’re here!” Taemin exclaimed and hurried to open up a green gate. They were somewhere in a village like quarter and the houses were all built with brick.

“Hey shouldn’t you at least knock?”

“Nah we’re close and this is like my second home.” Taemin barged into the main house and opened the bedroom door.

Junsu just followed behind and wished he didn’t. On the bed lay a man in his late twentieth, dark hair kept short and his face was hidden beneath the woman’s long hair. She covered him, leaving herself bare. They were both sleeping soundly and didn’t really look like they wanted to be woken up.

Out of nowhere Taemin took out a red sire and the sound that came out made Junsu cover his ears. The couple sleeping on the bed woke up with a grin and looked around to find the devilish intruder. Instead found a leased Taemin grinning back at them.

“Taemin what have I told you about not barging in here without my permission?”

“Whatever ge. It also time for you to wake up anyway. This is my cousin Junsu and he’s staying at my house. We were just close by and shopping. Thought we’d drop by to say hello.”

While Taemin talked he walked inside to the wardrobe and started taking out cloth. “And how is Xiao Mei jie? I heard she was pregnant.” Well that caused a pregnant silence followed by a hard slap on the man’s face.
Junsu felt like he was watching a scene from a drama and couldn’t even blink.

“We’re going to take a shower so don’t let us bother you guys.”

The girl on the bed dressed herself very quickly and threw a angry glare at the man. Taemin pulled Junsu toward the bathroom and while inside Junsu couldn’t contain himself.

“Who was that? You shouldn’t have barged in.”

“Don’t let him bother you. He’s the most perverted and flirtiest man on earth. There is not a single life stock he would pound on earth.”

“Don’t badmouth me when I can clearly hear you.” From the bedroom someone wasn’t that happy with Taemin’s remark.

“Let’s just hurry up and take a shower and leave. I’m buying you chaou xian leng mian.”
First Junsu thought it was kind of embarrassing to shower together with Taemin after his last awkward and naked moment when he was asleep and Taemin dressed him.

Now after they had undressed Taemin turned to the corner and started to shower, not sparing Junsu a single glance, which Junsu was thankful for.

But Junsu had miscalculated. When he heard the shower beside him turn off he should have been prepared but no he was relaxing beneath the colder water.

*Spank* Holly shit it hurt. He turned around and intended to do the same to Taemin but the younger was already stepping outside. Junsu inspected his ass and saw a handprint, five fingers all visible.

“I swear I’m going to kill that brat one day.” Junsu hurried to dry himself and when he tried to dress himself he couldn’t find his cloth.

“Yah Taemin. Where is my cloth?”

He heard laughers outside. A hand looked its way inside bathroom and held a pair of new set of cloth which Junsu newly bought.

“I’m going to wear them now?” He asked in disbelief.

“Of course ge. Now or when?” When he stepped outside the cold air felt like a sugar rush in his veins. Taemin was sitting on the couch, feet on the table with a lollipop in his mouth. Japanese music was coming out from the tv and when Junsu sat down beside Taemin he couldn’t keep the laughers anymore. Taemin was looking at a so called Cardcaptor Sakura anime.
“There was nothing else on TV. Come on let’s go and eat some leng mian. Tablo I’m leaving, don’t forget to bring my stuff to my parent’s place”

Junsu followed behind. After a long cold shower he was not that willing to walk under the streaking sun.

They walked the entire way back to xui shui and at the third floor Taemin found a restaurant suitable to his taste. It didn’t look like a restaurant, more like a open eating place. There was no door to divide the restaurant from the market and people were streaming.

“Pick a seat and I’ll order.”

Junsu looked around and found a seat close to the window. Glad with his discover he sat down and waited for Taemin. After fifteen minutes Taemin was still standing in the lone and it looked like he still needed to wait a while.

The drop of sticks catched his attention. A older man sat down in front of him and started to peal his twin sticks from any chips. The stranger looked didn’t even bother to look him. A cig wiggled in his lips and the man poked back his big sunglasses after he took a sip of his soup.

Junsu had nothing better to do so he studied the man. Suddenly the man fumbled in his bag looking for his phone which had started to vibrate.

The language coming out from that mouth was like a lullaby, smooth and delicate. The man started to talk and in the end it sounded like an argument.

“Excuse me. Do you know where this place is called?”

Holly mother of all gods. He knew that voice, it belonged to the lead vocalist of Dong Bang Shin Ki.

Junsu’s mouth fell open and he stared at the man like a nutcase. The man asked him again but he was to dumbstruck to answer. He just stared at the man.

Now that he looked closer he saw that similarities and it wasn’t only similar. It was the same person.

Kim Jaejoong.

A/N: I can't even open my eyes now. Next time I'm not gonna write at nightime. I don't think the quality is very good. If you find any mistakes do tell me.

Comments are appreciated.


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