Welcome to the Family chapter 2

Apr 05, 2010 20:22

Title: Welcome to the Family
Pairings:YooSu (manin), MinJaeYunHyun(more), OT5
Warnings:murder, blood, S&M(maybe)
Genre:horror, dark, life
Summary: What is the real meaning of Family?
Yoochun meets the alluring cousins of Kim at his workplace. Not giving in to the pleasure of flesh and longing of accompany he must solve the Ripper case, which is his mission given by Minister. But everything that has happened around his is just too much of a coincidence.
This is a story of how Yoochun became a member of Family.

The journalists caught the smell of something fishy and just had to dig deeper. One off Yoochun’s colleague was stalked because he was present at the latest Ripper case. Yoochun pitied this colleague of his, poor man. His wife though he was cheating when the reporter kept bugging him for information and even called his home.

With a pencil in his mouth Yoochun’s mind wandered. Brendiz was the most lively city he ever been to. Not even the capital could be compared with this place. The nights when people woke up and headed out for work, might not be the safest city but still it was alive and at full blossom.

Brendiz was a city of darkness where crime had increased or rather doubled since last year. The black market was constantly growing, spreading its poison and branches like a tree. All these branches symbolized drugs, weapons, and slave trading.

But at the same time it was safer than any other place. Here gangs had grown and followed their own rules. Clear borders were drawn and no one crossed it without getting killed. He had learned all this from mere inspection and drawing own conclusions.

“Yoochun are you dreaming again?” A childish giggle was heard and he turned his head. Junsu was standing behind him and had a white letter in his hand. “This is the invitation to the senator’s party tomorrow. “

“It’ll be a good chance for you to meet the powerful people of this city. Dress up nicely.” After spending some time with Jaejoong the man had slowly come to accepted him. It was more like he was protective over Junsu and didn’t allow strangers to cross a certain line.

“Yeah I will. So will you guys also come?”

“Sure. Who do you think we are?” Ok maybe Yoochun still didn’t like Jaejoong. He was arrogant and proud. Too much of a scornful bastard Yoochun sometimes thought. Yoochun liked Junsu much better, his gently nature and playfulness.

“Hehe don’t mind Jaejoong, Yoochun.”

He sat in the kitchen all alone. The small simple room had no unnecessary decorations, only essential stuff. On the stove water was boiling and he unfolded a packet ramen and poured some water on it. Waited for two minutes and sat down on the floor. He had no table or chairs, no furniture except his bed and a lamp. The ramen bowl was hot in his palm but it didn’t bother him the slightest.

Maybe because it was the burning sensation made him feel strange and deprived. But was it sexually? It felt like he needed release and longed for human contact.

He no longer enjoyed his home made food, which were instant ramen and more instant ramen. Yoochun never possessed the skill to cook or do any home chores. It was all too bothersome and took too much time.

Yoochun wanted to eat with Junsu again. It was so easy to dine with him, the atmosphere was calm and he didn’t need to force himself to speak, it all came so naturally.

He wanted to taste the pork belly Jaejoong made, so saucy and delicious, it melted as fast as he put it in his mouth.

That all happened three days ago, when he visited them for the first time. After that he’d been avoiding to go there again. When Junsu asked him if he wanted to dine with them he politely rejected and blamed it on he was all too busy. He still wasn’t sure about his feelings even though his attraction to Junsu haunted him these past three days. No matter how hard he tried it was impossible, he liked Junsu. It was more than like maybe. He needed to think things through and find himself. If he let his feelings rule then what about his mission?

With love came problems that would hindrance his mission.

Yoochun hurried to the bathroom and splattered his face with water to clear his mind. Then went to the balcony to let the late night wind blow away all his worries and uncertainty, because under the night sky he could forget everything and lose him in the flow of quietness and emptiness.

Yoochun checked himself out one last time in front the large mirror, to see if he had missed something. Hair, check, tie, check, polished shoes, check, no spots on his suit, check. He was all done and throbbed with eagerness to get the party started.

During the entire drive he was afraid that he would crash, his hands and limbs were shaking with excitement. This was the chance for him to get to know the rulers that pulled the strings behind all the crimes in the city. Powerful and dangerous they all were. Luring in innocents, into their web and then return would no longer be an option.

A young boy opened his door and bowed ninety degrees. Yoochun handed him his car keys and walked past the guards with a nod. They knew who he was and didn’t ask for his invitation. Fixing his tie one last time before he entered the extravagant party. The place was a castle, decorated in Romania style and had a rich taste.

“AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Help, help.” The scream was the girl’s last words before her tongue was bit of. Her outstretched hand for help sank down and lay motionless on the bed. All life has been drained from her, she knew that no daylight would shine upon her again. The blood trailed down let lips like never ending river, soaked the white bed sheets and stained on the dress of hers.

“Can you pick someone quieter next time? My ears hurt.”

The older rested his chin on his elbow and played girl’s curls. The blond strands were like seaweed, dried of blood and more blood.

“I’m merely letting her sing. Don’t you find her voice beautiful, at its highest pitch?” He kept stroking the girl’s body, her once robust and soft skin was grey and yellow, for not eating in the last few month.

“I thought you weren’t into girls. Why did you change pray this time?” He threw a piece of wood onto the fire and let it burn, it sparked and flipped. Just like a life, the wood was on its way to die out and leave nothing behind.

“Thought I’d try something new this time. Could you put on some music for me.” It wasn’t a question because he knew all too well that the younger would oblige. And the younger went to their home theater and put in a USB. Loud music came out and muffled the young girls choking sobs, but no words came out since she can no longer speak.

The man pulled her up in a standing position and held her close to himself. She fought back and just wanted to fall back on the soft bed. But his hold was too hard around her wrist and she couldn’t move at all.

“Shall we dance baby?”

The younger man took the plaster bag on the nightstand, looked inside to see if the content was what he had asked to deliver.

“I’m going out now.” He threw one last glance at them, so close glued together. The girl had lost all her strength, blood dripped down from her abused body, soon she would faint from blood loss and then die.

“Have a great evening.”
Yoochun found the evening easy, he switched to a charming Casanova from the police department, with not so high status and knew completely nothing. It made them relaxed around him and could discuss their dirty business. An old woman, old enough to be his grandmother, white haired, face disordered after too many plastic surgeries and Botox injections. She actually groped him!

“May I have your attention please? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s party organized by the famous Lee family and held in their most splendid home. Let us give them a warm applaud.”

The old woman took her eyes of him and that is when Yoochun saw his chance to run away. He had already talked to most of the people here and got what he came for. Yoochun didn’t want to stay there among those no longer humans, ugly and twisted people. He fled to the big balcony.

Outside he spotted a dark figure, lurking around in the garden. The intruder was very familiar with the castle and knew exactly where to go. In a few seconds he disappeared behind a corner.

Yoochun wanted some action tonight. Back in the party had gotten restless and his body ached to sprint in the darkness outside, catching the bad guy.

He climbed down from the balcony and jumped, the bushes caught him and eased his landing. Quickly Yoochun ran after the intruder, he secured that he had his two knives, one up his sleeves and one inside his shoes. Then loaded his gun and set off after the intruder.

When he rounded the corner he came to see an open passage. Inside it was pitch dark and not a single movement was seen. Yoochun took out his Iphone and used the screen as light.

Slowly entering the lion’s gap he moved forwards. After a few minutes he entered another passage, this time torches led the way. Yoochun raised his gun and was ready for attacks at any moment.

The longer he went the more anxious he got. Where was he? This must have been an old family underground cellar.

His own breath was the only thing Yoochun heard, he was listening to anything suspicious. Yoochun fastened his pace and hurried. Finally entering a more grand passage he heard voices and at the end of the passage he spotted the intruder.

With his gun in his hand in a tight grip he followed. Taking a quick peak from behind he saw something that made his blood rise in anger.

The enormous castle had a little castle inside, it was too big to called a room, more like an auditorium.

He stood on the second floor where not so many people were, most were gathered on the first floor where a ceremony was held.

Too many people dressed in black cloaks with hoods were on a stone bed, their faces was hidden away but sure you could guess what they were doing. Cries and harsh moans were heard, but it was like the person inflicted all the pain was in pleasure, a blind one that would cost him his life later. Three men stepped back from the stone bed, left was a young boy, all used and worn out. The only thing that proved him to be alive was his heaving chest that moved.

Behind him another person in cloak showed up. He held a dagger in his hand and behind them two followed him with a vase in their hands. The man walked slow and had a hard time moving. When he stood in front the man, Yoochun knew that something terrible was going to happen. And it did. The old man raised the dagger and sank it into the youth’s heart. Blood poured down and the first drops were saved in the two vases. The youth had not even screamed, only lay there lifeless like a ragged doll.

Till last life was drained from his like the blood had stopped flowing.

Suddenly behind him Yoochun discovered movements. But it was too late. The world around him turned black and he lost consciousness.

When he gained consciousness a heavy head ach made him fall down again. “Hey, how are you?”

Yoochun blinked a few times and then saw a man around the same age as him. Then he noticed that they both were tied with plastic strings. He couldn’t reach any of his knives.

“How long have I been out?”

“Not so long. About one hour. They’ve already killed two.”

Yoochun glanced around himself and noticed that they were in a large cellar. They could see everything that happened outside and right now another boy was about to meet his fate.

“It’ll be our time soon. They boys in the cellar beside ours are all dead.” There was no way that Yoochun would allow himself to be fucked and then killed.

“Hey I’m not gonna sit around and just wait. I have a knife in my shoe, do you think you can take reach it?”
The man turned around so that his back was against Yoochun’s feet, that way he could move his use his tied hands and take out the knife.

It wasn’t easy to cut themselves lose and that would have to be before any of them got taken out to the ceremony.

The door opened and two muscular guys glared at them. Oh, it was all too soon. They were going to pick one of them, and unlucky as Yoochun was they picked him.

He resisted but his it was no use with his hands and feet tied. They dragged him out and threw him on the stone bed. It was going to leave a bruise when his hips fell on something hard and sharp.

Yoochun hurried as his life depended on this and yes it did. So did his dignity as a man. Fuck them all. He was not going to let some piece of shit, ass fuck him and them make a scene out of it. His wrist bled when the blade by accident came to contact with his wrist.

Suddenly there was a drumming sound, like a pulse. There was no pulse with the previous guy, why did they have to give him special treatment. He felt rather privileged.

Shit, he wasn’t suppose to think about that. His manhood depended on this. The beats slowed and a slime and tall figure came to his view. That person was dressed in the exact garnament as the others but just in white instead.

He called the old man from before with a gesture and then whispered something. In a second Yoochun’s eyes were blind folded. He started to panic. He couldn’t hear anything that happened around him. It was harder for him to detect where the white cloaked man was or what he had in mind to do with him. This was not in his plan!

The beat grew like the pulse in his heart. Yoochun still didn’t give up and worked his way with the knife behind his back.

They were like an octopus, trailed up, to his pants and the moved under his shirt. In an instant all cloth was removed from his body, any pairs of hands caressed him, he lost count of how many pairs, when the sensation was too great for him to handle.

Yoochun still lay on his back to continue his work with the knife. He felt that he could move a little now. It was frightening and at the same time arousing to have his eyes covered and had so many pair of hands pleasure him. Then someone bit on his left nipple hard and he hissed in pain. It was bleeding. Shit this was embarrassing, he hoped that the man in the cellar from before would hurry up a bit. Together he might still have a chance to save himself.

He was stroked in his most private parts and tried to pull away. Two hands held him down and Yoochun noticed that the beats had slowed down as well. Two more hands pulled his legs apart and he felt the presence of someone crawling up to him.

Shit just little more he thought.

He felt someone’s cold hands touch his ribs the collar bones in a teasing way.

Someone pulled away his eye patch and he thought he would get to see the faces of the white cloaked man. Unfortunately he was now moving of the stone bed and headed for a dark figure sitting behind the shadow.

The white cloaked man bared his naked skin and straddled the figure, which still sat motionless and refused to move. Yoochun was now more worried about his own situation.

Behind the shadows the old man from before surfaced and bowed down. The figure sitting there finally moved and dropped something into the glass that the old man held.

Yoochun still fought with the tight sting behind him. Yes. It was cut off and Yoochun jumped on the old man with him knife. He roared and really wanted to the slice the throat of the old man. How many lives had he robbed the youths of and what was he thinking of doing to Yoochun. It all angered him.

Around eight o’clock two men tried to attack him and he kicked them hard before hitting the old man with the back of him knife and then spit on him.

“Fuck you shit.” Uproar shook the whole place. People were running of wild and the crowd was scattering. He scanned after the white cloaked man and found him standing there with a wicked smile on his face. Yoochun still couldn’t see his face clearly, the only thing he wanted now to beat the crap out of that man. He waved at him and then fled into a secret passage. Yoochun was going to follow but was held back by the men who kept attacking him.

He did his best to cause as much damage on their face as he could. At the bridge of his view he saw the other man who was locked in the same cellar as him. The man was a really good fighter. Swung his kicks like a child’s play and didn’t even sweat the slightest.

This was the action Yoochun had waited for.

Together they helped each other out and were finally out in the cold night air. The sun was rising from the west and the sunshine’s shone up their face.

“Man you look horrible.” Yoochun commented and was answered by a laugher.

“You should see yourself.” Yoochun laughed at this and knew that they both looked like crap. Their cloth was in rags and face and body covered in bruises. This was going to take some time to heal he thought.

“By the way, I’m Jung Yunho, private detective.” Yunho offered him his hand.’

“Park Yoochun. Detective.”

And took the hand in a firm shake.

fanfiction:welcome to the family, pairing:yoosu, pairing:ot5

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