Welcome to the Family chapter 1

Apr 03, 2010 18:42

Title: Welcome to the Family
Pairings:YooSu (manin), MinJaeYunHyun(more), OT5
Warnings:murder, blood, S&M(maybe)
Genre:horror, dark, slice of life
Summary: What is the real meaning of Family?
Yoochun meets the alluring cousins of Kim at his workplace. Not giving in to the pleasure of flesh and longing of accompany he must solve the Ripper case, which is his mission given by Minister. But everything that has happened around his is just too much of a coincidence.
This is a story of how Yoochun became a member of Family.

Yoochun was the new police detective, receiving direct orders from the Minister of SCU. He was arranged and positioned to stay in Brendiz, for the purpose to solve a case called Ripper case.

The rain fell heavily above him and his umbrella barely protected him from getting wet. His shoes were making a clicking sound, every time he took another stop on the pavement. It was like a mantra or soldiers. His heart bet in the same rhythm.

Outside the police station he halted in uneasiness, inhaled deeply and let out a deep sigh. This was going to be a long day.

After getting his superiors’ drinks he set of to the older archive section where it contained most of the information about the serial killer. He found some pictures on the victims; all men about twenty and up found in alleys and rundown buildings. It is believed that they all had one thing in common, their occupation was prostitution. All deals were made close to the East Gardeir Park, a hot spot for all kind of dirty business.

One of the latest victims was called Lee Sungmin, homeless and no family. The poor kid had been ripped to pieces, stomach was slashed open, some organs were missing. No sedatives or drugs were found in the blood system.

One thing caught his attention, it was believed that the boy had been raped. Since the body was found a few hours after death, no obvious evidence could prove the sexual abuses or relate to rape.

It grossed him out too look through pictures of dead bodies and read old files where other detectives had so throughout described the crime scenes. A knock brought him to alert and he quickly put back the files.

“Mr. Park, I see that you have taken an interest upon the Ripper case.” The man stepped closer and studies the shelves.

“Mr. Kim please there is no need to address me as Mr. Park.” Yoochun tried to be humble and didn’t want to abuse his connection with Minister.

“Then I will call you Yoochun.” A tint of childishness and mischief was heard. Yoochun turned his face and had problem to look up at the captain of the entire police force. “Only if you call me Junsu.”

Time was frozen, the person before him was so beautiful and charming and talking to him. It never occurred to him that someone so hot and cute could be working inside this damping building and least as the leader.

“Are you staring at me?” Yoochun didn’t know what to say. Junsu was so blunt and had no shame of his own bluntness, instead he stroke the back of Yoochun’s hand and bent closer to him. “Do you in any case like me?”

Someone close to the door coughed and clapped his hand in an authorial manner. “It’s time Mr. Kim for your meeting with the board members.”

“I’ll see you soon Yoochun.” He whispered close and it sent shivers down his spine. It was so intense to speak with Junsu. The man had an aura surrounding him, which told everyone to back off and don’t step over the boundaries. But when he spoke with Yoochun the man showed another side. He cared and was gentle.

Then he remembered his real mission here in Brendiz. He needed to find the Ripper and help Minister Kim to stop the killer. He owned the man a lot, his life for example and everything he owns now and his position as detective.

Morning coffee was what he desired most but unfortunately the vice Captain Kim Jaejoong was now inspecting their morning work, which included staring at their back with so much coldness in his eyes that made other workers shake in fear.

Precisely at nine o’clock he was going to the toilet but was stopped by vice Captain who emotionlessly informed him that he had to wait until ten. When Yoochun got back to his seat his bladder was going to explode. His face had gone from red to purple and soon blue, with all his energy he tried to …. to…

Rocking in his seat he wanted to slam down that ice-prince on the table and make him moan his name. His pretty face was hidden behind those thin glasses and working uniform. His marble face with a tint of pink on his cheek from panting continually. What a sight.

Time was like a snail, slow and dumb. Why didn’t anyone change the clock when vice Captain wasn’t looking? Then we would get to use the toilet sooner.

Thank God Junsu came just in time to save him. His voice arrived before he did, calling Jaejoong from far away. “Jaejoong where are you? Don’t play hide and seek with me.”

Jaejoong actually smiled or crock his mouth a bit. That single second was caught by Yoochun and he couldn’t believe his eyes. After a whole month working with vice Captain, his life was made to a living hell.

He couldn’t hold himself any longer. When Junsu arrived and took completely control of vice Captain’s attention he sneaked out, nearly crawling so that he wouldn’t be detected. The smell of urine clouded the men’s bathroom and he wanted to puke whatever his stomach had.

Ok, ha had a phobia for uncleanness and stenches. Funny though he grew up in a dirty place and belonged to the lowest of the low. Back then he would steal garbage and eat whatever he could get his hands on, but now, it all disgusted him. Yeah, he was a hypocrite.

When he finished washing his hands he walked to the cafeteria to buy some lunch, there someone with a high pitched voice called his name. He knew who it was before he found the source. “Junsu.” He said, as if he tasted him on the tip of his tongue and didn’t and wanted to say it hundreds time more.

“Are you also here to buy lunch? What do you like?” His brown hair reached just his neck and looked like silk at that moment. How he wanted to get his hands on it and feel it.

“One sandwich without tomatoes and garlic please.” He said and Junsu just looked at him with those doe eyes. In the mist of all people their vice Captain somehow still managed to find them. “There you are Junsu. Your father won’t come home today. He has a sudden meeting with some clients from Kaena.” That is when he noticed Yoochun who held his sandwich and a large plate with food that Junsu had ordered.

“Come one. Let’s eat together.” He pulled both Yoochun and Jaejoong toward an empty table.
Jaejoong tried so argue about he still had some work left to do back in the office but Junsu just pretended he didn’t hear him and continued to drag them.

“And Yoochun you don’t need to be so formal with him either. Just call him Jaejoong.” The vice Captain made no attempt to argue this time and Yoochun though it was quiet amazing of Junsu to have this kind of power over Jaejoong.

“So you want to come over for dinner tonight? Jaejoong makes delicious food, anything you want, just name it.

“Anything is fine. I’m not a picky eater.” Beside Junsu, Jaejoong snorted like as if he would make something Yoochun wanted to eat. Yoochun just put on a fake smile and unraveled his sandwich.

How stranger he thought, for two men with so different character to be friends. They are polar of each other. One, more than friendly and the other could stare him down, so warm and relaxing to be around while the other made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. It was hard to put in words, but they had the same charisma to entrance people and catch attention. Their beauty cannot be described but in his mind he couldn’t admit to himself they were beautiful because only women were called beauties.

Together they controlled the entire police force, one controlling all the subordinates while the other manipulated the older like a simple task. What a wonderful combination they made together. As strong as a mustang yet those jeweled eyes contained depth which he cannot obtain. Just looking at them made him hot, hot to his guts which caused his manly desire surface and take form in his lower region.

Yoochun was not a man who gave in to simple longing of flesh and companionship. The one who held his heart should be someone with knowledge and power, know how to work by his side and understand his needs. When looking at the two perfections before him, he had lost that old kind of ways of thinking. Instead only one thought occupied his mind.

I want them.

At seven o’clock Yoochun arrived in his old car and walked across the porch. Outside the sky was black, no stars could be viewed since the city’s light was to bright and took all the tranquility away.

Yoochun stood at the veranda and didn’t know what to do. He fidgeted and studied the wine he had brought. Produced in Illedon, fit for family super and at social gatherings. Actually Yoochun just went to the one of the many stores in the city and just asked the lady there help him pick one. If Junsu or Jaejoong asked him more about vine, then he say this was a gift from an old friend and change subject.

Now when he stood in front of their house all the doubts he had inside all came back like a wave.

Could he really have so much charisma to make these two fall for him? Did they even like him? No need to ask if Junsu did or not, but Jaejoong never welcomed him or spared him one more glance than necessary. It made him nervous and regretted his choice of clothing for the night. He should have worn a suit or at least something close to a tie, but no, to his better judgement he had picked causal cloth, a pair of worn out black khaki-pants, white top under a dark cloak.

Stop thinking so much he muttered to himself and prepared himself. Shuffling his hair to make it look natural and not so that Junsu would notice how much thought he had put behind his clothing. He pushed the door bell, in an instance someone opened up.

With a big smile on his face Junsu welcomed his to enter but didn’t close the door. Yoochun was too happy to notice that Junsu wore his jacket on and was armed. “Yoochun, I just got a call saying that a new body has been found and we are required to be there. So, is it ok with you if we came back after the inspection?”

“Yeah sure.” After he said those words he cussed inside his mind. There was no way that he’d return here again after the inspection. It would be like eleven and then he needed to head back home and prepare for tomorrow. Yoochun wanted to hit his head against the car window as he looked outside and stayed quiet. But it wasn’t like they could have stayed even if he said no, work came before private life, that he was taught the first day in school.

The crime scene was closed of alley, not so far from the main road and of course close to East Gardeir Park. No witness and not a single trace left behind by the murder.

A long trail of blood was visible on the cold cement ground, telling them that the murder did not occur here, but the body been dragged a few meters after the murder decided to dump the body in a container. Then went back to where he came from.

A clean job, Yoochun noted in his mind. Behind him a new team arrived, the cleaners. They were the ones that would clean up any traces of the murder and then take the body back to the head quarter. He didn’t like them at all, dressed in white and smelled like hospital. Like dogs they obeyed without objecting and did their job. There were rumors around that they were not human, artificial with no mind of their own.

He left them do their work after he had noted down every detail of the murder scene and walked to the police van. Inside Junsu was interrogating the person who had found the body. An old man, about middle age, lived close by judging by his dirty cloth and dialect.

When Junsu was working, he had this totally different composure, serious and fierce, whoever crossed him would have to pay. That’s the kind of feeling he gave away. A lot more frightening than Jaejoong.

“What do you think? Don’t let his looks deceive you” It was just as if Jaejoong had heard his thoughts a moment ago. So close as Jaejoong stood and their lips were so close. Yoochun couldn’t see his eyes, since the alley was dark and his glasses covered them. But he noticed the heaving pants and then his own heartbeat in his chest. After seeing the dead body Yoochun was far from being turned on, but then the intoxing smell of Jaejoong. Then man somehow awakened a buried beast inside him.

A pair hands travelled from his sides to his stomach and then embraced him from behind. “What do you think you’re doing Jaejoong? Junsu is mad at Jaejoong for not following the rules.” Junsu talked like a child, his hands still rested there on Yoochun’s stomach. Oh he wanted them to travel around his body more. Let them touch him and please him.

What was he thinking? They were still at work and someone had just died a brutal death.

“Stop whining Junsu. We’re heading home, before the dinner get’s cold.”

That didn’t make any sense. Dinner was about four hours ago and the food had long become cold. When Junsu pushed him inside his car and Jaejoong started driving he understood the meaning. They still wanted to spend some more time with him, and it was more than he could ask for.

When they got back Junsu complained about this weird smell he got from the alley, but Jaejoong convinced him to change after the meal.

Yoochun looked at the duet and smiled to himself. Junsu was whistling a lullaby to himself while putting out the bowls and napkins. Jaejoong looked so peaceful in his apron, and heated the meal over again. He was like a nurturing mother and enjoyed cooking for his children and much so Junsu acted like a spoiled child. Whenever Jaejoong wasn’t watching Junsu would try to steal a taste of his food and when Jaejoong caught him he did his famous puppy eyes and only got scolded.

“The soup is delicious Jaejoong.” This time Jaejoong didn’t snort or make any comments. He only smiled back like a proud housewife.

“Yoochun don’t you think it would be wiser if you stayed over tonight? I can drive us to work tomorrow. Our place is much closer to work.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” He bit his inside and hoped that Junsu would insist.

“Not at all. We have a spare room for guests and Jaejoong has loads of clothes that you can borrow.”

Yoochun looked at Jaejoong’s face as if asking a parent for permission. But Jaejoong’s face was all blank of emotions and only started at him.

“Ok sure.”

After the night supper and a bit of vine Jaejoong retreated to his room early, and soon Junsu followed. “This is your room and if you have anything you need feel free to some up and ask. Jaejoong’s room is to the right and mine is to the left.” Junsu said before climbing on the first stair. “Oh, I forgot something.” He bent down and kissed Yoochun on his left cheek. So innocent and pure. “Goodnight Chunnie.”

When Junsu left Yoochun put his finger above his cheek, and touched the place where Junsu had just kissed him. The soft feeling of Junsu’s lips on his was still there. A goofy grin cracked his mouth wide. “Goodnight Susu.”

It was in the middle of the night when he heard noises above him, like on the second floor where Junsu’s room was. Debating if he should check it out or leave if he decided on the first. Slowly climbing the stairs with his socks on, trying to be like a ninja and not make a sound he reached for the door knob.

Yoochun pushed it open and left it on a glint, inside the sight that greeted his eyes made him choke in surprise. His chest was suddenly beating like an engine that had gone over 200. His hands and feet were all shaking with excitment.

Inside the room, Junsu was sprawled on the floor with his legs wide apart. Between then was Jaejoong, slamming hard into the hole that sucked him in deeply. The contact of flesh and fluid running down both their legs were amazing, dripping wet.

Then he heard a buzzing sound and noticed the large vibrator shoveled in Jaejoong’s ass, it was attached to a string which Junsu held in his hands. Seemed like Junsu had just turned it to maximum and Jaejoong trembled in pleasure.

Yoochun noticed his own pants become a bit too tight and his body temperature had exceeded normal. He liked his lips and had this naked urge to barge inside and join them. Stifled moans by a gag made Junsu lift his head, when his back arched and spurted his seed in Jaejoong’s hands, Jaejoong soon followed and released inside Junsu.

Since the room was all too dark and Yoochun didn’t see all the details. Like those bite marks on Junsu’s back or the blood dripping out from where Jaejoong was yammering hard into. He only saw white and left the dark side unraveled.

The next morning he entered the kitchen with a heavy mind. During the entire night he had slept very little and thought a lot, once again. He wanted to know why exactly Jaejoong was fucking Junsu senseless and why the even had sex in the beginning.

Toast and eggs he got a plate full of and then Junsu poured him a glass of milk. “How did you sleep last night?”

Yoochun thought over and wanted to tell him the truth. “After seeing you two fucking I wanted to join but was too much of a sissy and decided to go back to my room and jerk of for the rest of the night.”

“I slept well. How about you Junsu?”

“I slept like a corpse. Didn’t move once from my one position.” He didn’t flick the slightest when he answered.

“I heard some noises coming from upstairs. Did something happen?” Yoochun decided to try again and see how Junsu and Jaejoong would react. None of them seemed bothered. Jaejoong calmly sipped his tea and Junsu stuffed his mouth with food.

“Oh that was Jaejoong talking in the phone with our cousin Changmin. He’s going to visit us and will arrive today afternoon. Don’t you think it’s wonderful? I haven’t seen him for years…”

A chill ran down his spine and he felt a pair of cold hands touch his back. What Junsu kept blabbering about Yoochun didn’t listen to at all. He could only think of how weird their behaviors were. Either way they were good actors or …

A/N- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. DBSK has stopped their group activity in Japan. Why oppas??? I was hoping that this would happen after I have graduated from High School. If this goes one step further and something worse happens, it will traumatize me!!!! Not even my parent's marriage did so much of damage. I can't believe. My eyes are filled with tears now and .... shit my mom asks my why I'm crying.

I can't help to wonder if they will really disband now, but I keep telling myself "always keep the faith."

fanfiction:welcome to the family, pairing:yoosu, pairing:ot5

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