(no subject)

Jul 22, 2005 21:25

"Shhh...everything's gonna be okay, sweetie," a woman's voice whispered.
She smelled hay and felt her mom's lap under her head. A hand was stroking her hair, calming her.
"He has us but your dad, he's going to save us. Do you believe me?"
She looked up into her mom's earnest eyes.
"I want to..."
The door opened and it wasn't Eli who walked in and grabbed her arm, pulling her up - it was Ramon.
"I can hurt you whenever I want," he whispered against her ear. His fingers dug into her skin.
She shook with not fear, she was surprised to find, but rage. "Touch me again and I'll kill you."
He laughed and pushed her against the wall, pinning her wrists with one hand and the weight of his body made it hard to move. "Don't make me hurt her," he touched her cheek to turn her head.
Her mom was gone, in her place was Angela.
Kim felt resignation like a drug in her veins. "I won't fight you," she whispered, looking up at him as he moved his hand down her chest...

She wakes up with a start, still able to smell the room and his cologne, and she doesn't want to think of what that dream might mean.
'If you could keep everyone safe - would you do it?'
She brings her knees up to her chest and sits like that for a while.

post-ramon incident, nightmare, elaine le blanke

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