Football has basically sucked today, with the notable exceptions of the Packers and Broncos. I've spent a lot of time fruitlessly arguing with people over on Larry's blog.
And I've added... *counts* five whole words to this outline, without actually figuring out what it's actually about. At this point I have: Alex Jarrett, mad scientist/
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So I guess tonight you're going to editorialize about how we need to outlaw drinking and dri--
Clearly, making a Thing illegal does not stop that Illegal Thing from happening. I mean, murder is illegal, and that certainly didn't stop Belcher from murdering Kasandra. Perhaps instead of decrying "gun culture," you should instead decry a culture
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At least on the football front. The Steelers won today after their defense scored two touchdowns. AND I got to watch them do it. Woot!
And, in spite of my computer woes, I have managed to hit my weekly writing goal. And I wrote a scene in which Ben gets to be awesome. People should stop underestimating him just because he's not very big and
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Between the insects working together to steal a bottle of Coke at a picnic to the tune of "Peter and the Wolf" and using a rhinoceros beetle as a can opener, and the "Mean Troy" ad, I think Coke is winning the Ad Wars tonight.