Oct 07, 2007 22:59
Writing? What is this "writing" of which you speak?
I have words. And verily, they sucketh mightily. So, what am I doing to avoid writing? Hunting for free images on the web for my business cards, because my clipart collection that I actually paid money for has no shiny anteaters whatsoever. Lame ones, it abounds with. And I've discovered that I can't draw an anteater to save my frigging life. Yay.
And the ads opposing school vouchers in Utah are beginning to piss me off.
"No accountability!" they say. Well, see, that assumes that parents are stupid. No, there's no accountability to the public school system. That's kind of the POINT. Why should there be accountability to a school system that's failing in its most fundamental job? But there's certainly accountability to parents, because the schools that they send their kids to with the vouchers are going to have to prove themselves to the parents. Otherwise the parents will yank them out and send them elsewhere. Because they can.
"No accreditation!" they cry. Why, there's not even a requirement in the law that the teachers in those private schools have so much as a college degree! Yeah, so what? It's not like you people with all your learnin' and edumacashun are doing us a lick of good. In fact, if you were halfway decent at your jobs, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Why are you so threatened by a hint of competition? Wait, don't answer that. We know why.
"It's an experiment!" Er, yes. Why is this a bad thing? After all, it's apparently okay for you to "experiment" on our children with "new math" and "whole language." Thing is, in this case, the experiment puts power in the hands of parents. Explain to me again why this is a bad thing?
So, yes, you people opposed to vouchers (read: the NEA). Your message is coming through loud and clear. You think I'm stupid and incapable of making decisions in the best interest of my own child. Gotcha.
Er. That turned ranty. Sorry about that, only, um, not really. A commercial on TV hit me just as I was writing the part about writing and I found myself flipping it the bird. Which probably makes me rude and immature.