Aug 10, 2011 10:49
I’m doing a mass note to a wide range of people, so forgive me if you’ve heard some of this already or I sound a bit impersonal. :-) The past couple of years I have been experiencing increased fatigue, hair loss, memory issues, and a range of other issues which, I assumed, had mostly to do with the extreme stress and depression I’ve been under through the hard times of late. While I’m sure these factors are still a major influence on my physical condition, along with the possibility I’m moving into the menopause zone, I’ve had a thorough checkup with a nurse recently and they have determined that I have a thyroid issue.
When I was going through “mystery illness” 6-7 years ago, they tested my thyroid and told me that my levels were ever so slightly above normal and while they wouldn’t normally assign medication for that, they were going to try a super-tiny dosage on me out of sheer desperation. I tried the smallest dosage and at the time, it made me nauseous and gave me shivers. So they cut me down to a quarter of the smallest pill and it seemed to make a slight difference. After a while I decided that there really was no difference and I stopped taking it.
Now, 7 years later, my test showed THE SAME MEASUREMENT (7.something), but this time the diagnosis is that my levels are “very elevated” and they are recommending going on Sythroid or Levothyroxine. This time it’s making sense to me - my symptoms are textbook and my life is suffering I am so debilitated (unlike 7 years ago). I’m older now and apparently that is significant and explains why it’s hitting me so hard and their opinion is different. However, I’m cynical, skeptical, and generally resistant to starting the drug. And the initial Googling I’ve done has raised some flags for me - Long term issues brought on by taking these drugs, conflicts with foods/substances I eat/take that I’m reluctant to give up, my suspicion at the system and their immediate answer to everything is a pill, etc. I’m especially alarmed at one of the side effects being a effect on bone, leading to Osteoporosis, which is one of the few medical conditions I know our family has issues with. Not to mention the lifestyle change and the money - I’m not convinced I can take a pill every day for the rest of my life and deal with the serious effects of being inconsistent.
So, what I need from you is your personal experience and/or knowledge:
What non-drug treatments/solutions are out there for this condition?
What have you personally experienced, good and bad?
What's the word on the street - Conspiracy of the drug companies to make everyone think they are ill so they take pills the rest of their life, or legitimate condition?
Talk me in or out of this. Most importantly, EDUCATE ME ON THE ALTERNATIVES.