Do spiders get rabies?

Aug 08, 2011 08:30

The neighbors must find me quite entertaining in the morning - I walk to work like a five year old… Stopping for any ole’ cat that wanders into my path, wandering here and there looking at bees and other creatures crawling around, veering off into people’s yards to see bunnies and flowers, etc. Well, today they got quite a show.

As I was walking along the sidewalk, just ahead of me I noticed one of the largest freaking spiders I’ve ever seen - at least an inch across and *bony*. Initially I was startled because, you know, it’s a freaking MONSTER SPIDER. But also because you really don’t see these things awake during the day and NEVER just crawling down the street. My alarm turned to TERROR as the thing saw me AND CHARGED RIGHT AT ME. I swear to whatever God you believe in, it ran straight at me at a shockingly fast speed! I really didn’t know what to do and it was moving SO FAST - I started to back up, and then weave back and forth as I tried to anticipate it’s direction. Well, its direction was STRAIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK, RIGHT AT ME so I wound up running out into the street to get past it.

IT WAS TERRIFYING - IT WANTED *ME*. It was like a rabid, Terminator spider!!! I could almost hear it hissing… “Are you Sarah Connor?”


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