Feb 25, 2010 21:17

Ishmael rocked.
I have chosen my ships.
I am one of you now.

I'm sorry I didn't have season two under my belt before I got here... But I guess it hardly matters. All the stray strands that were floating around after watching season one that didn't really make any sense all just clicked into place in the last quarter of Ishmael. I swear, I was punching the air when Aaron proposed. :)))

So, my instinct was that there was something really *possible* about Aaron for me and I crammed my Mary Sue into it in such a way that 75% of her story read like Biddy's in the book. And now that Biddy has been put forth, IT MAKES EVERYTHING CLEAR. \o/ Not to mention Aaron's back, and future, story - I just *loved* everything Hambly gave us about Aaron!

Main ship: Aaron/Biddy

I also really took a shine to Josh watching the show, even though David Soul does NOTHING for me, but just couldn't get a solid fix on him... I loved him losing that first girl (oh, so angsty) and I was enthralled with him in the episode where he has to *pretend* to be married... It was at that point I felt that somewhere along the line (perhaps in season two) I would fall properly for him and wanted to see him married at some point. I really enjoyed seeing him get the girl in the book (and in just the way I saw it happening in my own head.)

Ship number two: Josh/OC

The only thing I *knew* I knew while watching the show was that I *adored* Clancey and Lottie was a good match for him and I enjoyed every minute the two of them shared on screen. I'll admit, I sort of felt the same way about Clancey and *Biddy* off and on too... But now that Aaron is in the picture on that one, it's OVER.

Ship number three: Clancey/Lottie

I also love all the researching and history toward the end of the book - One thing that strikes me is that I'd forgotten how much I love Kirk. He's such a jock and totally full of himself but when he shows that historian side of himself, I just MELT. I could say a lot about the Star Trek side of the story, but think I'll leave it for another day.

Having just watched season one a couple of days ago, some of the errors/liberties Hambly took with canon were a bit distracting. Nothing I couldn't dismiss for the sake of an AWESOME story, but wouldn't you know, she managed to hit on several of the things that were bugging the hell out of me in the show and make them even more convoluted and annoying. Still, minor things that can be chucked out for convenience sake. Minor details aside, I thought she captured the voices of all the characters - in both fandoms - COMPLETELY.

So, eldritchhobbit... How freaking obvious is the WWW crossover with this??? Politician!Stemple warns PRESIDENT GRANT that ALIENS ARE INFILTRATING THE US ECONOMY and must be stopped. Who the hell else is Grant gonna call in on this? I *demand* a sequel - with Aaron/Biddy wedding night pr0n (you know where I'm going with this... :::cough:::victorianpostcard:::cough:::)

wild_wild_west, star_trek, fandom, books

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