
Feb 25, 2010 10:19

Well, we're off to a great start this morning... I was reading in bed and Zelda started to play "rip the paper" with my bookmark (a long strip of scrap paper.) Unfortunately, the bookmark was very curled and she couldn't get a grip on it with her teeth, so as the paper bowed and she struggled to get a bite, I stuck my finger in there thinking once she got a proper grip I'd pull out.


Zelda CHOMPED down so hard, her bottom tooth punctured my finger half through and the top tooth bruised the spot under my fingernail. It hurts like fuck-all and as I was frantically cleaning and bandaging, I nearly fainted from panic as I have been watching way too much Animal Cops lately - Do you know how many crazy cat ladies get hauled off to the hospital because they've contracted a life threatening infection from one of their cats biting them?!? The statistics are alarming... AUGH!!!

Hopefully I antibiotic-creamed the thing to death and all will be fine... I hope. Did I mention it hurts like fuck-all? :::whimper:::

my_therapist_lives_in_figi, zelda

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