Someone get Martha Stewart out of my BRAINZ!

Dec 14, 2009 23:45

I've been crafting all week... Decorating for Christmas. In miniature.

The holiday room shapes up...

I decorated the tree. Just by chance, the decorations I picked up at the thrift store *weeks* ago are in a MUSICAL THEME. {{{twilight zone music playes}}}

So, clearly, this Sinatra thing is the theme for the year and I realized I couldn't *not* have a bar. Trying to make do with what I already had at home, I repainted a small shelf I picked up ages ago and added a riser/base to it as it was too short. I was trying to go for a late 60s kind of look...?

Slipcovers - to cover the black iron chair candle holders I've been collecting up (like the one on the right.)

And a runner for the fireplace (and a tree skirt in the same theme.)


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