Hey y'all!

Mar 26, 2009 19:41

I have returned from Paris!  Actually, I've been back nearly a week, but I'm just starting to get back into checking my email.  For a while there, I was pretty tired by 9 PM or so.  I'm feeling much more back to normal now, so I want to tell you all about my trip!

First off, I am VERY happy to report my hotel was wonderful.  I was worried it might not be as nice as it sounded online, but it was great.  The room even had a brand new flat screen TV.  The place had really interesting furnishings, and in fact, on the day I checked in a model was doing a photo shoot IN THE LOBBY.  Good lord was she teeny.  The people who worked there were really nice, especially since my stupid card key kept getting deactivated.

I did all the major touristy type things: the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsay, Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and of course the place I had been DYING to see inside, the Opera Garnier.  I am SOOOO happy I forked over the money to take the guided tour.  The guide (whose English wasn't fantastic but still very good) told us SO MUCH about the place.  There is something like 20 different kinds of marble in the place.  There are mosaics, paintings, hand embriodered curtains, and the auditorium is all red with gold angels everywhere.  And yes, there is a huge ass chandelier and everything.  Also, it IS over a lake, but we did not get taken to see that part of the place.

The other totally awesome part of my trip was hooking up with a old friend from college who is currently living in Paris.  We even went out to a club together with her husband and her French cousin Luc.  All I can say is: thank God for ear plugs because the music was SO LOUD.  But I had a wonderful time hanging out with all of them.  Plus, staying up late drinking red wine made me feel oh so very French.

The other totally fantabulous part of going to Paris was the food.  I miss the pastry SO much.  There was this great bakery right near my hotel where I purchased many a baguette sandwich, along with tasty sweet things to fuel myself.  I also think I know why Parisian women are mostly all itty bitty skinny things.  First, they all smoke.  Second, they walk everywhere.  As a result, they eat whatever the hell they want.  I walked my butt off over the course of the week, and despite the fact I did tear my heels up a bit, I came back home feeling so much better about myself!

I brought back from Paris a little box of French macaroons which come in all sorts of interesting flavors, chocolates, truffled goose liver, duck confit, madeline cookies (for my grandma), herbs de Provence, a couple of art books, and a book about the opera house.  Oh, and a belated birthday gift for my best friend!

That's all I can think of for now, but I am hoping soon to get some of my pictures posted, and if anyone cares, I can blab more about what a good time I had

fun, paris, vacation, friends, food

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