
Feb 05, 2015 12:23

Ok. I don't remember what my previous entry was about... so if i'm repeating myself, please feel free to skip.

No one despises my existence more than I do.

Yeah Sure my Parents will say that i was a product of "love." but I'll argue that it was a product of stupidity and animal attraction not thought out thoroughly with a combination of cultural expectations and biological imperatives. Which is the stupidest reason to be brought into existence. I can, however, understand the motivation of creation for the sake of creating something wholly unique. but that was not the reason for my creation. they were just two human beings blinded by the stirring chemicals in their bodies. Perhaps everything in existence is only here by chance and/or blind luck. I don't find that comforting at all.

I am continually baffled by the demands of biology. Why I am a slave to this machine and fighting it is a continual losing battle. For example: if i want to 'power through' a day and not eat... the body does not go to the reserve energy. Why? "BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY" Who the fuck programs this shit? Why create a back up source of energy if its only going to tap it in very specific conditions. And Why Should i be continually at the Mercy of Dated Programming? This System may have worked 100,000 years ago. I have the brain of a 1978 Primate in a 100,000 year old body. Half-Life 3 will be out before theres an update to this software.
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