One a.m. natterings....

Dec 03, 2005 00:54

OMG ( Read more... )

hot women, politics

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I've lost my mind...You'll see ;) betareject December 6 2005, 23:52:46 UTC
*pulls out popcorn and watches as you fight Vader* Go ROSIE!!

Holy crap! If you do that (write an angry letter) You have to show it to us first this I'd have to see...Although I'd love to see the look on his face when he reads it *howls* Ah that just made my night...=D

*Cheers* Don't get arrested just come and live in Winnipeg!! =D At least you'll have no worries about having a green or brown Christmas! Although we almost did one year *shudders* broke my heart I tell you but then it snowed like nuts Christmas morning and I was so happy! *hows that for random babbling?*

Speaking of random topics...Hows my letter coming along? *hopeful grin*
*Pulls up to the drive through window in a random Harley Davidson Van meant for partys ;P*

Welcome to the twilight zone of fantasy orders! How can I serve you tonight?

*Mun glances to fellow Mun who is studying list on billboard and upon noticing a few choice names grins*


I want one order of Angie Jolie in leather and my friend here wants an order of Nicole DeBoer in leather and we both want a side of Damar in leather too...Although keep him seperate from Nicole/Ezri because we want him to ourselves =P

And if you can through in a Ms. Tarja in red corset for good measure that would be perfect.

So whats damage dear boy?"

*Pays bill gets hawties and goes off to party at some high class condo with much good music and lots of Coca-Cola/Pepsi etc, hot tubs, pools and video games...*

Now that would be the life! =P

Yeah i just lost my mind there too much night work I tell you!

Thank goodness she isn't! No offence just not a big Xena fan though it seems manditory that anyone who is remotely about female empowerment should love her...Frankly I like my mary-sue's to be wicked myself *eyes Demona and Marrow* =P

But yeah she's hawt in that red corset =)


agentrosecotton December 15 2005, 21:34:12 UTC
Hee! Well, at the moment, am trying to get up the courage to write a letter to Nicole deBoer. (Which is silly, because even if I do, she's quite likely never to lay eyes on it. ::has visions [no pun intended, really] of a mailroom stacked to the ceiling like Johnny's in The Dead Zone::)

Ough. The concept of a Christmas that's not bathed to the eyeballs in white flakes in indescribably alien to me. I mean, all the Christmas trees are up and I've been buying gifts and there are carols on the radio, but it's ten degrees above and there's not a flake of snow to be had. It's like a play with the backdrop missing. 'S just wrong.

::shudders and moves to Canada::

[random] Did I tell you that my first pair of glasses (big round affairs that made me look like an incredibly nearsighted owl), which I got when I was eight, was Harley-Davidson brand? ::grin:: It was greatly amusing. [/random]

::dies laughing:: Oh, don't we wish! And add on a Siddig in black leather, too, if you please. ::drools:: (He regularly attends conventions in black leather, did you know this? Smart man, oh yes!)

::winces as she envisions Ezri and Damar disappearing all night and hosts complaining about the noise:: Although if it is NdB and not Ezri, I do think the former is happily married to a rather cute Canadian rockstar named John Kastner. (Or at least, so she says in interviews.)

Tarja Turunen and Nicole deBoer totally conspired to steal my heterosexuality. ::sigh:: Ah well. Will have to fight back by watching Kingdom of Heaven and early Dead Zone (with dreadlocks!Bruce, young!Johnny and hot!Walt [who's always hot, but even so....]). Of course, the latter has NdB as well. Hmm... ::ponders::


betareject December 17 2005, 04:04:07 UTC
Are you seriously going to write a letter to Nicole!? Oh what would you say? That would be so cool if she actually read it or better yet wrote back!! *squees* you must tell me how it goes!

I hear you on that one! When i lived in Mexico I was horrified at the fact it was a week before Christmas and it was like only -4 there and they were freezing! I mean snow coats and the whole nine yards lol and there i am with my hoody going whats the deal? It's freaking Spring here folks! Since then I love Winter to bits! =D *waves magic wand* May you get some snow!! *before changing min, grabbing you and Nen and moving you both to Canada*

Yeah right you had Harley Davidson glasses thats the L33T!!!! I love anything HD related =D *is most envious*

ooh! Yeah definately want an order of Siddeg too!! In leather of course! *adds to group* YUM!

*Realizes mun has ordered both and watches as MU!E goes off with MU!DA and mutters* Thank heavens for sound proof walls...Oh whose that? I don't think I've heard of that singer before What band does he belong to?

*Howls* Ah don't worry Angie has already stolen mine LOL Not to mention Keira Knightley too err and Bai yeah...Onto the next topic LOL *Joins you in drooling i mean watching Dead Zone* >;)


agentrosecotton December 20 2005, 21:37:50 UTC
Hee. I honestly don't know what I would say. O_o "Hi, I love you, you stole my heterosexuality and I roleplay a romance between you and Casey Biggs"? That'd go great. :) But today's her birthday (she's thirty-five) and I was all going to send her a birthday card...and forgot. ::sniff:: Still, I love her madly, and eventually I have to make her aware of this.

Damn the slow advent of the teleporter!

::nips into the future, lifts one, and nips back, thus eliminating the need for them to be invented, and thereby making the teleporter she lifted nonexistent because they were never invented, and creating a time paradox which unravels the very fabric of the universe itself::

...Okay, that went well....


betareject December 20 2005, 21:51:55 UTC
*Howls* Actually you know that doesn't sound so bad at least it would bring a smile to her face or a shocked chuckle at being paired with Damar ;) *Not that Casey Biggs would mind really!*

She's 35!? Damn i wish i could look that good and i'm younger then her! Stupid genetics =P

o.O! *watches as the fabric of the universe unravels before very eyes*

Woah...Now that was impressive!...Do it again! >=)


agentrosecotton December 20 2005, 22:18:26 UTC
Hee! I'm sure Casey Biggs would be quite happy with that arrangement. (Hell, who wouldn't? ;) Did you know that he was married to Roxann Dawson, a.k.a. B'Elanna Torres? :D :D :D Utter madness, I tell you. Damar/Torres OMG!

I may spam Nicole deBoer with mail. And I have to meet her eventually, of course. I wonder how she'd react to one of our doodles-and-stickers-covered letters? ^_^;

I know. She's hot. It's not fair! ::sniff:: She was twenty-eight when she played Ezri and twenty-six when she played Leaven.... there's a mind job for you. @_@

Um...Now see, I would do that again, except there's the problem of the fabric of the universe having been unravelled and me along with I can't...but then my talking to you is a paradox, isn't it, not to mention the fact that you've been unravelled too and....

::watches as the fabric of the universe unravels a second time:: Damn! That's going to leave a mark.


betareject December 20 2005, 22:39:19 UTC
Yeah I heard about that actually from Cruisedirector...She said their break-up was particularly ugly...Although if one was to judge based on their characters (almost said muses @.@;) it shouldn't come as a surprise lol

^___^ DO IT!! Heheh I can't imagine why she wouldn't find a colorful letter from an avid fan enjoyable! She just seems the sort that would appriciate those kinds of things.

She was 26 when she played Leaven? Wow...damn I wish i looked even half that good at that age lol

*Grins and helps you with the time machine theory but is soon unravelled as well as a voice comes out of no where in the inky blackness of space.*

Uh...Rosie dear? I think you missed an equation or something back there...err...So uh yeah can i have my body back now?


agentrosecotton December 21 2005, 00:03:40 UTC
Oh, that sucks. :( But if the actors are anything like their muses characters... :)

I always thought Roxann Dawson was gorgeous. [/random]

Hee! Or she'd try to commit me to a psych ward. :) Either way, she'd never get another letter like that again.

I totally should write to her! :D

::another voice comes out of the inky blackness::

Darling, I'd love to help you, but I'm a bit disembodied myself at the moment. Maybe my muse can help, since she's imaginary anyway--

Another voice rings out. "Who's imaginary?!"

Er...never mind.


betareject December 21 2005, 05:46:35 UTC
Are you serious? I never really thought much of her myself...Althoguh her character was pretty cool..didn't like her tastes in men though bleah! (although RL is a different story all together lol)

*Mun sighs and tries to call out into the darkness hoping one of her muses hears her...Only to hear the hiss/hush of Vader's resporator*

Oh shite!...Wrong Help!?


agentrosecotton December 21 2005, 19:42:37 UTC
Oh, I always liked her. Torres is totally awesome, and sometimes she's even hot with the ridges on, but without, she's quite pretty. Yeah, I agree with you about taste in me, although I did think Paris/Torres was really cute--you know, he was always the one who chased ditzy blondes without much substance to them, and then he ended up falling in love with this brilliant, self-sufficient half-Klingon woman. I always thought it was sort of romantic. know! I'll use my super-duper nifty Universe Reraveller! Just for those times when you accidentally create a paradox and destroy the galaxy! Restores your unravelled universe, just like new! A must for any frequent time-traveller! (Side effects may include small holes in the fabric of space-time.)

::pushes button::

::nothing happens::

Damn! It's out of batteries.

::hears the breathing of Darth Vader, and calls out for a muse of her own to save her::

"You called?" ::evil grin::

ACK! Joran! Heeeeeelp!


betareject December 22 2005, 06:51:50 UTC
*shudders* I think Torres should have been with Chakotay although i'm going to hell for saying this but I actually like him with Seven...It was so unexpected and yet it was ironically charming...

But I can't stand Paris which is why I think i'm so bias towards them although the irony i have to say was pretty amusing ;)

*Mun sighs in relief as Rosie explains how she will save the universe that is until the batteries die*

Aww frak...

@.@; Oh hell! Uh...It's alright guys we got things under control really!

*Mun panics and grabs battery dead machine and presses it frantically*

Crap if we were force sensitive we could work this stupid thing...

*Hears ominous Vader voice demanding mun should use the dark side and mun panics* definately not a good



agentrosecotton December 20 2005, 21:45:31 UTC
Frackin' enter key. ::kills enter key::

Hee! I probably still have some pictures of them. They were totally the quinteseential geeky glasses, and looked exactly like Leaven's in "Cube", except dorkier because they were rose-pink. I loved those things. ^_^;

Siddig is hot. There's just something about old sexy British guys.... Like Alan Rickman or Patrick Stewart or Jason Isaacs. Or Ian McKellan. Those scenes in X-Men between him and Patrick Stewart...mmm.... ::drools:: I can just imagine what Sid'll look like when he gets to be about sixty.

John Kastner sings in "All Systems Go". I've not heard much of their music, but apparently they're quite spiffy. ::wants their CD for Christmas:: You can't buy their stuff down here, cause they're Canadian... ::cries::


au_sabe December 20 2005, 22:41:14 UTC
Rose pink Harley glasses! Now thats wild! You must show me a pic of them one day!!

Hell yeah on the old sexy Brit's *drools* Damn you know I bet he'd look so fine when he ages...Kinda like wine huh?

Are you kidding? They don't sell CDN music in the States!? @.@; *boggles* thats horrible!!


agentrosecotton December 20 2005, 23:42:03 UTC
I will, I will. I had them until I was, like, thirteen. They went great lengths towards establishing my geekiness. ^_^;

Hee! I'm going to marry a Brit one day. I totally am. I have a friend who has a British Trekkie boyfriend, and she was going to go over there and see him, and I told her to send be back a British mail-order groom.... =D (She's the one who worked with me at Sobeys, and it turned out that she was a roleplayer, so when I found out we spent all evening talking about RP instead of doing our work--did I tell you about that?)

No! And it's terrible! ::cries:: ::misses her Canuck music::


betareject December 21 2005, 05:44:17 UTC
*is jealous* Oh i love Brit accents it's so refined and debonaire...But then I think that way about German and Russian accents so what does that tell you?

*Snerk* Tell her I want a mail order groom too! *shifty eyes* Tim doesn't need to know LOL!

No you didn't! What does she rp?


agentrosecotton December 21 2005, 19:45:25 UTC
Hmm. I like New Zealand accents (but not Australian, for some reason), and Arabic accents are sexy. Sid does a half-decent one in Potassium Hydroxide. (Er. Kingdom of Heaven, a.k.a. KOH, a.k.a. Potassium o_o)

Oh, she does an original fantasy RP on some chat somewhere...she gave me the address, but I lost in in the move. ;_; The thing I remember about her was that she was ranting about using rape as a cheap plot device.... =D And I was totally like "DUDE! Yes!" It was fun.


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