Story time...

Sep 24, 2003 22:40

Okay, so here goes... the last week of my life summarized in one entry. *warns you now cause it might be long*

I finished the main assignment as a temp for the massive manufacturing company in creating their database. So since they had originally reserved me for 2 months, and I only took 2 1/2 weeks, they said they would keep me on til October. So I turned into this random title. I am a gopher girl I guess. Go For this, Go for that. LOL. I do random reports, and try and help reorganize the crap that they put themselves in the middle of. Not too happy, and I felt like telling them on Monday, look, if you don't want to keep trying to come up with work to keep me busy, then I can go home, really.. no biggie. I feel like I'm being babysat, and yet I'm getting paid. LOL. I REALLY almost just walked out today, I got handed the STUPIDEST of assignments. They are handing in their list of people they want on speed dial, and I am to organize it by plant, by supplier and by buyer. Kiss my royal toosh. It was a mess... hadn't been updated in years and the criteria they wanted for how to "organize" it was crap... I basically rewrote it all and they just said... "okay..." ARGH!!! NEW JOB!

This weekend I almost lost it with my parents and created a whole situation that would have been VERY un-Trisha-like. I have been living on my own since I was 18, and to be suddenly thrown into the atmosphere of living with 7 people, family non the less, at age 23 is hell. They expect too much of me, and I guess I expect too little from them. Saturday night I ate dinner and locked myself up in my room and proceeded to weed out the junk in it and got an epifone... or however you spell that word. I realized that I need to move out as soon as possible and re-establish the adulthood I had started to build. I talked it over with my sister and she was surprised I was still in the house right now. She thought I would have definitely moved out SOMEWHERE by now. I just stared at her and was like WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO??? So we decided that I will move out as SOON as I get a permanent job and feel that I will be stable with my income. I already have the apartment picked out, I just need to go put my name on the list for openings. Hopefully, with a heck of a lot of prayer and luck, I can get in by November 2nd. That would rock. Its either my parents or me... one of us has to go, and since they aren't going anywhere until June, looks like I'm outtie!!!

I leave for NJ/ NYC in 5 days... and it will NOT come soon enough. I weighed myself... I have only lost 5 pounds in the last 23 days. WHAT THE HELL??? I've been working out 4, sometimes 5 times a week for over an hour and all I get is 5 pounds??? And its not like I made up for it in inches.. otherwise I would be like a size smaller.. but no conclusion there yet, haven't measured nor tried on clothes all month... Saturday is the day kids. We shall see... in the meantime, I'm a maniac, maniaaaaaac! LOL... back to working out every mother lovin day of the week. Great.... Is it the 30th yet???

I went and got bath decor today.. I am redoing everything in a chrome/ glass theme but keeping my colors of blue and yellow. soooo pretty. Cant wait to drill holes in the walls! I also reserved a filing cabinet and desk for me... soooooooo pretty. My office at home is gonna kick tooshie!! Okie.. bed time!! Even pixies sleep! *grins* I have a new friend... hey Lilach!!! *hugs*

agent pinky.. over and out.
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