johnny! LMAO. So, in light of what my father said to me last night, I'm showing Johnny as CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow some love. Mama and Papa saw Pirates last night and only gave it 2 1/2 stars. They are sooo officially on crack. PLUS... they didnt like CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow!! WHAAAAA?? They did however like Mr. Will Turner, so I cant bash that, but dude.. its Johnny!! So.... some Captain lovin:
... *stares* how can you not love that man?? ahhh!!
okay... so this will be the "woah pixie!" rant and rave journal. my first rant and rave??
Rant: My family pisses me off. First of all, like I stated in my DJ, I'm expected to attend the church that my parents go to JUST to please my father so that he will stop acting like a pissy old man and be happy that his family all attends the same church. screw that! That church is NOT for me, and I feel uncomfortable there! I am NOT about to attend somewhere, let alone church, just to please someone. That aint me, sorry. If you have a problem with it, DEAL. I cant even being to rant about how much it pisses me off that I disappoint my parents just because I havent found a local church to attend. So what?!?! THAT is a friggin disappointment?? GET OVER IT!! I have a job - a GOOD job, I have a degree, I'm not into drugs, I dont go out and party wildly - hell, I dont even party, and I dont curse. DEAL WITH IT. If me not going to church is enough for them to be disappointed and pissy at me, then they need to get a reality check, and I need to get a new home. One where my every move isn't scrutinized and criticized and smushed down into nothing. I swear they act like I am the laziest sunofa to hit their household since the cats. *blinks* excuse me??? I have a life! Its a solo, quiet life, but I have a life! Let me live it!! okay.. okay... //rant.
Rave: John Mayer. Period. WOAH. I have been listening to his CD constantly since I got it on Tuesday. not non-stop cause I'd get sick of it *le gasp* but yeah. His music just touches something inside me.. and makes me wanna write and just explore my "hopeless romantic" side again. Plus it REALLY makes me wanna learn guitar. LOL. I'm damned proud that he got Grammy attention for his work, because he totally deserves it, and I see this second album getting the same attention. For those who dont have it, my dear OKC girls, download "Come back to bed" while you're waiting for your shipment from me. You will want to put that sucker on repeat like fifty times over. TRUST ME.
*takes a deep breath* okay.. time to clean my room up, and do some chores to make my parents further their disappointment in me *snorts*
by the way... what does the mood "apathetic" mean????