Apr 29, 2007 23:37
Well, the spring/summer rush is here and they decided it was a good idea to put me on the line. Ask me how i was before 5 o clock today and i would have said terrified. Ask me now and I'll say i can see why the put me there, I'm a lot better than i thought i was. I can do this job. I'll prove it to myself tomorrow and Tuesday too. But today...was amazing.
I started out working on the line, it was kind of wtf do i do, they showed me, and i eventually was like ok this isn't bad i can handle this. Of course i knew it wasn't rush time but i knew my limitations for stuff and thought I could handle it pretty well. And I did. I didn't really have a hard time with anything, although everyone was helping me out, but I only found that out when i went to do the thing (ex. grill bread) and they told me to not worry. So I was on top of everything. Then mid shift because there was only one dishwasher they sent me back there to help out, and the place was basically clean in less than an hour, in which i got to yell at the one guy to hurry the fuck up which was awesome because i hate him. Then they sent me back to the prep room to bail him out too cuz he was getting hammered with calls and i saved his ass too. I felt like fucking superman. Probably cuz the chefs called me that. I literally did every job in the back of the house, besides the other stations on the line. And it was so fun too! The feeling of that kind of accomplishment was pure bliss. I did everything and did it well. The chefs offered me dinner, and did some of my clean up for me as well. I walked out a champion.
Got a waitresses phone number too (not in the same night, that would have been too much awesomeness happening in one night), and she wants to hang out now that we don't see each other much. As long as I play my cards right, I might be looking at a beautiful new girlfriend. Which would be awesome because shes such an amazing person.
Blackbox tomorrow on beef, its individual this time so I should destroy it. Then just a few more days and then ashland. Then my last term of school and then i'm set for life. So many exciting things!