Happy Birthday

Apr 24, 2006 08:39

Happy 81st b-day, Gma! Wow. I didn't think she would be around still. I am glad that she is. 81 years old. I can't imagine that.

Went to GR this weekend to visit Lisa. Good times! I enjoy the 2 hour drive. Made plans to go to the Frederick Meyer Gardens. They had a butterfly exhibit. Walked into this huge greenhouse and butterflies of all colors, patterns, sizes were flying around. It was great. So Lisa and I were nerds with our cameras. I took 55 pictures, mostly inside there. One landed on me. It was pretty sweet. Went outside after our butterfly check, and walked around the kids play area. I wanted to be about 5. That place was super! Then we walked around some of the sculpture gardens. That was really a fun place. It was a beautiful day to be walking around outside. Went to the mall, walked around for a bit. Then we cooked dinner, and visited Susan, then lounged in front of the tv. Sunday we got up and went to church. It's in an old mall. One of the department stores is gutted out, and that's where it meets. THat was pretty neat. Went to Outback for lunch, then watched Pride and Prejudice. The new one. It was good. Not as good as Colin Firth, but good. So great. Then I drove home, talked to Greg on the way, played show and tell with mom, and went upstairs.

So far this morning, I have hit the snooze button 4 times, gotten to work early, made waffles (which I am just now eating an hour later), filled out a couple surveys on myspace, checked my baseball team (I am totally killin everyone!), checked email, and some other stuff. Had a goose watching me through the window. He kept getting closer and closer to me. It was a little creepy. But the lawn people came and scared him off.

I think I am killing my flower already. hopefully the flowers just don't stay for long. I got back this morning, and a few of the flowers are all brown and wilty. Don't die! It's not even been a week!

Yup. That's about all. Can't wait for the weekend. The next 4 weekends are all plaaned out. This weekend with Greg, Susan's wedding the following, then the Lugnuts game/girls weekend with Michelle, then it's off to the World Beer Fest in Frankenmuth. Good times!

Have a super Monday!
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