May 26, 2005 21:47
I didn't cry today. Not one tear.
Damn I'm really pissed at my frickin computer!!! AGHH!
Anyways. Not one tear. Whatsoever.
I almost did when TJ said he wasn't going to Seminole maybe and I may never see him again and he wasn't coming to my party.
In addition to him, Victor, Lindsey, Kathleen, and Jared all rejected me. Hah.
Well 7th and 8th period went by quick today. In Jazz Band we just chilled, ate beignets, and gave Montana TONS of coffee. hah!
After 8th we all went to the car ramp and everyone left before my car. Amazingly enough only Trey, Juan, and Brett beat us. I wish I had started hanging out with Brett sooner. I'm so sad I didn't :C! He's so cool! Even if he acts high half the time by accident "whhhhaaat?" haha! i <3 him!
Anyways, the partay started with changing, then swimming, blasting Bowling For Soup, Kailey getting stung by something, Chicken fights, then a game in the hot tub I did NOT participate in. Whoosh.
got out of the pool. ATE. major props to my mom, dad, and jill for the delicious food!
then started the sports. volleyball, basketball, soccer.. until..
james stole my hat so i was chasing after him. then he stopped and i was jumping up to get his hat so then he fell and i tripped over him and landed on him so he slid across the cement. OMG! i felt soooooo bad! i walked it off with him haha then got hit with a waterbaloon by jill. grr haha
i hung out with my holla back boy (aka james) for a few hours then the waterballoon WAR began and i got the hell outa there lol
the only time i threw a water balloon it was at brett and he got very lucky since those things were leaving bruises on EVERYONE and i aimed about 2 inches south of where he woulda probably died. i was just beating everyone up today.
so i threw brett in the pool. haha marvelous victory! then his mom showed up to find him wet and stuff. bwahaha!
people started leaving about this time so we watched family guy and ate james's chex mix. he ACTUALLY brought me it! i couldn't believe it! he promised me a bag like in the first month of school. and he never brought it. and today it did. i was like 0___0 whoa! haha
so everyone eventually left and i was left with tons of food and nothing really to do. so i started writing this, my computer screwed up, wrote it again, then again.. and then left it hanging for a while and finally came back to it.
i got really depressed somewhat through my party cuz i realized 1/2 of the people i won't really see again:
james, sam, kim, mel, peter, lizzie!, trey..
i really am gonna miss all you!
This is stolen from Montana: And in three years I've loved, hated, flaunted, teased, begged, fooled, joked, laughed, hated, been hated, dreamed, grown
It's so true! All of you have become a part of me! And I'll never forget you! EVER! i love you guys sooooo much!
And even if we've had our problems or are still having them you guys have changed me who I am today and for the most part, I'm glad. :D