liars and cheats.

Jun 01, 2006 17:12

People who lie, suck.
EXAMPLE. People who work for my apartment complex in Gainesville. They knew full well that my apartment would be going condo before my lease expired, and conveniently failed to mention it. So now there's a 99% chance I'll have to transfer to another 2-bedroom before my lease expires in December. And then in December, Im going to have to move yet again. My 4th time moving in less than a year.

Long story short...I'm going to Gainesville on Monday to look for a place to live next year.

Did I mention that I don't want to go? ever?

We got chinchillas in at work now. Can you believe people actually kill them for a fucking fur coat? Unbelievable. They're so small... I can just imagine how many have to die so some old lady can walk around wearing them. People make me sick.

Well, it's time to get ready for work. Did I mention that I work 6 days a week? Yeah. And it's not even that I mind it, in fact, its pretty cool. Work is not the reason ive been so blah lately. It's a combination of things that arent going away anytime soon.

argghhhhh... later
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