Ann Coulter has gone even madder.

Apr 25, 2007 15:02

You know what the solution to guns is? MORE GUNS.

Here's a boiled down version of :

People get upset by bad things.
But God has made some pretty fucked-up people.
We can't do a thing about that.

Ralph Nader is an unsociable loner.
Most of the time the only sign someone is all fucked-up is when they shoot a whole bunch of people.
All we can do is make laws to lower the number of dead people when this happens.
This will happen because we have cable tv.

The only thing that works against mass murder is allowing people to have secret guns.
Economists say so- inestimable economists at that.

States that have this law reduce shooting incidents and deaths from shooting incidents by a significant margin.
Crazy people like to shoot people who don't shoot back, so they pick places where you're not allowed guns.
Not allowing guns in schools is idiotic.

Liberals try to take guns away from people.
But people get guns into gun free zones anyway. Silly liberals.

It's not just crazy teenagers.
Sometimes crazy adults shoot people at schools too, when they have no reason to be there.
Here are three examples.

The other place you are not allowed to have guns is the post office.

As soon as the V-tech shooting happened the media said "not everyone should be allowed a gun, for serious."
then they said "letting everyone have guns is surely part of the problem here, guys."

Liberals get to say what they want and conservatives don't get to.
This is because their arguments are weaksauce.

V-Tech was a gun-free zone.
Until that guy started shooting everyone.
Perhaps there should be signs.

Even if you're allowed a secret gun legally, you're not allowed it in a gun-free zone.
That's crazy. Someone with a secret gun would have Saved The Day.

The spokesman at V-Tech said that taking guns off everyone was a good idea.
This is exactly the same as inviting crazy murderous people in.
He said it made everyone feel safer.

Not everyone agreed.
Someone said last year, when there was another crazy dude on campus, "I wish people had secret guns".
It's pretty obvious everyone should carry secret guns.

and here's the original:

seriously, lady. What gives?
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