The great unloading

Apr 08, 2010 21:26

Massive amounts of clothing - still need to figure out a venue to invite friends to so they can go through it all, before it all goes to Value Village. The more expensive/better quality stuff I am going to try and see if folks in the theatre department want to buy for $5 or $10 each, or else I'll try contacting a vintage clothing store to see if they want to buy it. I don't want to sell on consignment since I won't be here long enough for all the items to sell.

Books- I am being brutal and getting rid of a lot, a LOT, of my book stash. I'm taking them to Gulliver's Books and since they only give me credit, I'll see if they have a copy of The Lost Symbol I can buy- otherwise, I'll give the credit away to friends who can use it to buy books. The books they don't want will go to the Literacy Council, so at least I know they are doing some good.

Essential oils/ soapmaking stuffs- most of my soapmaking stuff is just plastic bowls and molds. It's cheap and easy to replace. The essential oils are not cheap, though, but I've had them 10 years and I hardly ever use them any more. I think it's time to give them to a good home, and friends of mine are interested. I'll drop them off with a book on aromatherapy next week.

Fabric- a friend of mine is starting a sewing club, so I figure she can use my stash. I am keeping a few choice pieces and giving the rest away. One plastic shopping bag full is all I will take with me, along with my favorite patterns. Everything else she can have.

Later this month we will be giving away or selling stuff like towels and furniture; unless we find someone that wants to rent the place with the furniture in the house. I sincerely hope we can sell the house, though, and this means we have to have moving sales where everything goes. I will be sad to sell Seth's TV- it was his engagement present- and not only that, but we no longer have the box for it, so whoever takes it has to put it carefully in their car, wrapped in a blanket.

I've already given away most of my small stuffies to a friend's children. The purging continues!

Tomorrow I am taking most of the day off to clean house. We have to get this place organized and ready for showing. Wish me luck!
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