May 12, 2008 10:40
As expected, the weight loss has slowed to a crawl and am down only 2 more lbs to 192. Not surprised or disappointed, just being realistic. Heck if everyone could consistently lose weight like I did in the first week then no one would be overweight. Will attempt to go back to the gym tonight albeit with a LOT of caution. I really do want to start working out again but not at the cost of having to recover for two weeks for one session. :P The back is doing a lot better although I think I caused a spasm on Saturday afternoon by not sitting properly and so I had to pop a Robaxacet for that and it went away relatively quickly.
As the doctor predicted, the weight loss has improved my blood sugar control. Last couple of mornings before breakfast, my blood sugar measured betweeen 4.4 and 4.8 mmol/l. Normal range is between 4-6 and on average my blood sugar was anywhere from 5.2 to 6.5 so that's pretty good. Of course it could be the meds as well but I'm hoping to get off those and just go back to keeping it under control with diet and exercise.