Week 1 Report

May 05, 2008 10:13

Figures. I try to be healthy and look what it gets me. You'll all get a laugh out of this one. After finishing 3 sets of dumbbell shoulder presses I was doing a pulley row in the gym on Monday and I must have used my back on one pull cause I swear I heard a *crick* (that or felt it) and had to slowly let the weight back down. That effectively killed the exercise part of my regimen for last week and possibly for the next two weeks until I'm sure things are sort of back to normal. No I wasn't trying to make a pun... :P On the other hand, it gives me enough time to look for a proper backbrace for when I do go back.

Otherwise the diet is working well. Although I get cravings for the "bad" stuff, I am not really that hungry and although my portions aren't as big as they usually are, I find myself having to force myself to finish it. Last thing I want is for my body to rebel cause it thinks I'm starving which I'm not. My appetite however has something to say about it and on this fare, you don't really feel much like eating. Perhaps that is a good thing though for when I finish this as I won't be able to eat as much as I usually do in one sitting and as long as I can keep it that way I can eat everything I used to without losing control. Means more doggie bags coming home when going out to eat. WOOF! ;) Case in point, I was reading a friend's post on their trip to California and they ate at a restaurant called the Saddle Ranch Chop House where they ordered the usual appies before their steaks and side dishes came. I took a look at his pics of the appies and I know I wouldn't have been able to finish half of one of those without being full. A week without salt has also reminded me of how much of it we use in our food. I ate a piece of shrimp from a noodle dish my wife brought home when she ate out with her family and she was wondering why I grimaced slightly and I told her it tasted really salty but I probably wouldn't have noticed it normally.

Which is probably why I'm down 10 lbs to 194 as of today. I'm assuming this weight loss is mostly due to lack of water retention so this is probably where it starts slowing down and getting ugly. I promised myself I'll only weigh in once a week on Mondays to avoid any disappointment at not seeing anything happen. My blood sugar has been in the range my doctor wants it at every morning before breakfast so that is good news. Suprisingly I find my body has reacted well with the new meds and there have been no side effects I can see. Let's hope it stays that way.
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