Icon meme!

Mar 18, 2008 22:46

I replied to both turquoisetumult and lostashleigh for this one! ;)

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick three of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

Maria picked these icons:

1. This is actually the very first Supernatural icon I ever made (and pretty darn close to one of the first icons I made for my LJ, period! ;) ). It was one of those that just as soon as I saw the screencap, I knew what I wanted it to say. I actually meant to have "limber" in another color font but I had just found out about how you can set the layers in Paintshop to different opacity settings and just for kicks I colored over the word on something like "multiply" just to see what it would look like. I ended up liking it even though it's not all neat and tidy and so I left it! ;)

2. I've been wanting a Doctor Who related *hugs* icon for quite a while now but just hadn't made one yet. I was playing around with a "painted" look and this was one of the pics I did in this post. When I made the inevitable icons to match, I realized, "D'oh!" I finally had a *hugs* candidate! ;) Plus, I loved how it was a very protective hug, how she's all tucked into him and he looks like he's guarding her against something. Aww! (It's also a deleted scene that wasn't in the actual ep, which makes it a little more "unusual" though a lot of people have iconned it by now! ;) )

3. I almost always make icons on a spur of the moment when I'll be answering somebody and I'll think, "Dude, I wish I had an icon that says 'X' right now!" This one I made to answer mistojen at some point, because she was the first one I used *Sammysmishes* with (I can't remember who said it first, lol! ;) ). Keep reading for more fascinating *Sammysmishes* info! ;)

Ashleigh picked these icons:

1. Aw, poor woobie!Dean! I just couldn't resist making a good "sad" icon out of this cap! It actually took me forever to come up with a :( because I drew it by hand. The eyes weren't that hard but I didn't think I was ever going to get a ( that didn't look like I drew it during an earthquake! I tried everything: using an actual text ( and turning it, using an oval shape and erasing most of it, but nothing came out the way I wanted it. So I finally put it together in 3 parts, I blew it up to a bazillion times size and drew one side pixel by pixel, then I copied it, flipped it to the other side, then connected them pixel by pixel. I went to a stupid amount of work just to get a :( face, lol! But I was fairly happy with it when it was done, so I guess that's all that counts, huh? ;)

2. I didn't tell Maria or Ashleigh which icons the other picked because I was interested to see if they would pick any of the same ones! This was the only one that crossed over! ;) This is actually the second version of this icon because I kinda threw the first one together quickly and forgot to lighten my base, *facepalm* so it was way darker than I wanted it to be and a little hard to see. So I redid it but because I hadn't saved my .psp file, I was going to have to recrop it and everything. So I tried lightening the .png version, then was going to put new text on it. But after a bunch of failed attempts, I finally just cut through the lightened layer and let the original dark version show through. That's the "stripe" the words are written on! ;) I swapped this version out with the same name as the old one and I don't think anybody ever noticed. ;)

3. This icon is made by augustfading. I just totally loved the cap with the text because it so looks like what he could be saying! And, knowing Dean, what he was doubtlessly thinking, lol! ;) And it's a great "I'm sending you a kiss" sort of icon I can use for my non-Deanfans or alternatively, a "Dean wants to kiss you" icon if I use it for a Deangirl! I love an icon that can multi-task! :D

4. Aw, my very first *hugs* icon! Another one that I made because I "needed" it to answer a comment somewhere. Naturally I loved this cap because not only does it have Jensen in it, but it has "me" (as represented as always by Jessica Alba! ;) ). So how could I resist? ;) And it's just a sweet picture anyway with him kissing her head like that. Awwwwwww! *wibbles and melts slightly*

Thanks so much for picking some icons for me, Maria and Ashleigh! *squishes you both and gives you cookies* And thank you for reading all of that. Yes, you. Here, have a cookie, too. ;)

RL stuff: For those who haven't heard me complain about it yet, ;) apparently this Flu of Doom has a Never-ending Headache for a "chaser!" :( This is Day 3 and I'm seriously hoping not to go to Day 4 with it! :( After your head hurts for long enough, you get just totally whacked out and c'mon, I really don't need to be more whacked than usual! o_O If I've left you some "I'm on strong meds, wheeeeee!" sounding comments lately, so sorry! I'm actually not, I'm just wearing out from this stupid headache! :S Totally got my fingers crossed that it'll be gone tomorrow!

Consequently, I haven't got much work done on my Doctor Who crack!vid because I have to work on it when the pounding in my head isn't louder than the beats in the song, lol! ;) I do have a few seconds done, though, and I have to say... I giggle at them. ZOMG, my poor beloved characters, what am I doing to you??? ;)

*hugs you all* I've got more memes a-comin' as I try to catch up with the ones I've been tagged with, yay! :D Oh, and let me know if you want me to pick 3 icons for you! I don't want anybody to feel discouraged from answering here just because you don't want to do this meme. Just let me know! ;) Nighty-night! ♥!


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