And now for something completely different...

Mar 16, 2008 23:36

Okay, so I don't do anything that's completely different, I know. I'm actually pretty boring consistent. ;) But I decided I needed to do this Doctor Who vid, NEEDED TO, I tell you. Even though it's not like anything I've done before, music-wise. And it's gonna make people go O_O and o_O and possibly even *twitch* a little. But I must do it. I'm having an End of the Flu Madness Moment and this vid must be done!

And unfortunately it's not nearly as interesting as this hype makes it sound. :S But I'm a-doin' it anyway! Stay tuned and hopefully in a few days the End of the Flu Madness Moment will have passed and I'll have a brand new, shiny crack!vid! :D

It's late but I'm a-gonna random picspam you before I go, so tighten your seatbelts, return your trays to their fully upright positions and prepare to circle the runway of Good Sense a few times before we land, please! ;) :D

Leoben: "Stop the madness, Ais. Don't do it. And tell Kara I can see where she's pointing that gun."

Kara: "Darn spoil-sport!"
Lee: "Wooooooooo, Kara, you bad girl, you!"

Dean: "Hello, my name is Dean Winchester and I'm broody and hot. And I look good in black. And Ais snagged this pic from my baby girl betgirl who just had a birthday a few days ago." *blows kisses* ;)

Metallicar: *is also broody, hot and looks good in black* ;)

Nine: "Hello, I'm Nine and I, too, am broody, hot, look good in black AND I lounge so well it's practically criminal!"

Nine: "But even if you throw me in the Big House, I still won't sing karaoke into my sonic screwdriver no matter how many times you ask!"
Jack: "But I requested 'All Out Of Love!'"
Nine: "Nope, sorry. I won't sing, don't ask me."

Ais: *disappointed*

Nine: "Oh but if it's Ais who asks... Sure!" *grabs mic*


Jack: *works the hot, broody angle*

Gwen: *fangirls Jack's hot, broody angle, now with complimentary ring!* ;)

Ais: "That one's worth seeing again. GUH!" O_O ;) ♥!

Jack: "Aw, shucks."
Gwen: "Uh, Jack? My eyes are up here." ;)

Jack: *begins to sing, hoping to distract Gwen*

Ianto: "Wow, Ais is really suffering from End of the Flu Madness, isn't she? It's probably coffee deprivation kicking in, poor girl. She hasn't had even so much as a sip in over a week now!"

Ianto: (thinking) "Yep, it's definitely decaf for Tosh from now on..."

Unexpected!shirtless!Sawyer, woooooooooo!

Sawyer: "I've been taking lounging lessons from Nine since I hear all the gals love a fella who can lounge well! How'm I doin'?"

Nine: "Uh, great!" (thinking) "Man, I hope he doesn't get too good at lounging and steal Ais away!"

Ais: *points to tat* "Never fear, my luff! I'm your little snuggle-bunny 4-EVAH!"

Nine: *hug of GLEE!*

Veronica: *interrupting* "Enough picspamming! It's vidding tiem nao!"
Ais: "Actually, it's nighty-night time now. Show 'em, Rose!"

Rose: *demonstrates* ;)

Teh End

Yay, that was fun (for me at least)! Hope you're all doing fantabulous! ♥! Nighty-night! *hugs you all* ♥♥♥!!!

vidding, random picspam

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