Fic: "Valentine Spirits" (1/1) (Doctor/Donna, Doctor Who)

Feb 14, 2009 00:44

Title: "Valentine Spirits" (1/1)
Author: ageless_aislynn
Fandom/characters: Doctor Who, Ten/Donna
Summary: Written for the Valentine's Day ficathon at doctor_donna ♥♥♥!!!
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1,436
Spoilers: No spoilers
Disclaimer: Not mine or you can bet there would've been happy endings for everybody!
A/N: Unbeta'ed, so all mistakes are mine. ;)

"Happy Valentine's Day!" the Doctor sang out unexpectedly. A pink envelope dropped across Donna's open book as she was curled up on a couch in the middle of the library.

"What the-? Valentine's Day?" she repeated, looking over the back of the couch at him. "It's not Valentine's Day."

"Tsssss," he dismissed with an expressive wave of his hands. "It was on Arexis Prime when I saw this card and it just expressed my feelings for you so beautifully, I had to get it! Now, open it."

Her eyes went as wide as saucers. "Are you drunk?"

He made an incredulous face. "What? I can't give a dear, dear, dear friend a card without being inhabritated… inbrihalitated… Inabra- Without being drunk?"

And with that, he overbalanced and fell over the back of the couch, just barely managing not to land on top of her in the process, then rolled completely off onto the floor. As she was pinching herself to see if she was asleep and having some bizarre, rather psychedelic dream, he came popping back up next to her.

"I'm okay!" he announced cheerfully. "I think I should label the blue vial as 'alcoholic to Time Lords when mixed with the red vial,' don't you think? Though it did turn a delightful shade of purple at first, I must say. You haven't opened your card, Donna!"

She marked her place, closed the book and set it aside. "Umm, why don't we open the card in your room?"

His eyes sparkled. "Donna Noble, you wild woman with all your 'I don't want to mate, ohhhhh noooooooo!' and here you are draaaaaging me off to bed!"

He giggled at her indignant expression, waving his hands again. Unfortunately, since he'd been leaning on the seat of the couch, he fell over and planted his face in her stomach. "Don't worry," he mumbled loudly into her pale pink blouse. "I know you're putting me to bed to sleep this off. I just wanted to have you."

"To have me on," she corrected, pushing him up by the shoulders.

"That, too," he said with an over-exaggerated wink.

"Come on, sunshine," she said. "Can you walk or am I going to have to let you drop where you're at?"

"I can walk, pal," he said firmly and she managed to get them both on their feet with his arm across her shoulders and hers around his waist.

Blimey, he's skinny as a twig, she thought. I wonder if I can get him to eat a couple boxes of chocolates while he's on this Valentine's kick?

"Don't forget the card!" he exclaimed, almost knocking them both over as he tried to turn around. He couldn't quite manage the maneuver while leaning on her as he was and they staggered out of the library and into the wall.

"Oof!" she grunted, nearly losing her hold on him. "I've got the card. Now stop squirming around!"

The TARDIS obviously took pity on them because they only had to stumble down a short hallway before a door swung open and the Doctor gleefully proclaimed, "Alllllll stop!"

Donna steered him through the door and over to the bed where he dropped, flopping on his back. "Do you want your shoes off?" she asked and he obediently lifted one foot, then the other while she unlaced his Converse and tossed them aside. She left his socks on, just in case. Though since his feet probably always feel like blocks of ice, how am I supposed to know if they get cold or not?

She studied him, sprawled sideways across the bed with his feet still on the floor, and decided her conscience wouldn't let her leave him contorted like that. "Up we go," she directed, grabbing his hands and pulling him into a seated position. "Let's at least get you out of your tie and jacket, hm?"

"Okay," he agreed brightly and managed to sit more or less upright while she undid his tie. Though he was wavering enough she was a little afraid that, respiratory bypass or not, she was going to choke the life out of him anyway before she got the knot loose.

Next she divested him of his brown pinstriped jacket and, as soon as his arms were free, he swayed forward and draped himself over her shoulders in a hug that nearly bore her to the ground.

"Whoa, watch it, spaceman!" she said, struggling to keep her feet under her.

"You're so good to me, Donna," the Doctor said passionately, squeezing her tightly enough she squeaked. Fortunately, he eased the pressure before she had to box his ears.

"Yeah, I'm a real gem for putting up with an intoxicated Martian," she agreed. "Now swing your feet around here and- Doctor, you're going to have to let go of me for this to work."

"I'm not from Mars," he said, pronouncing each word with great care into the curve of her neck.

"Mars, Venus, wherever you're from," she said, trying to unwind his arms from around her. I'm half-thinking he's from the Planet of the Octopus Hands! she thought. Seems like as soon as I get one of them off me, there are three more taking its place!

"'Men are from Mars, women are from Venus,'" he intoned. "'Women think with their brain and men think with their-'"

"DOCTOR!" she interrupted quickly. "This isn't the time for naughty poetry, thank you very much."

"Aristotle told me that one, he did. He said to me, 'Doc-' he always called me Doc, you see, no matter how many times I… Wait, I think that was Jack. Yeah, it was Jack. So Jack said, 'Doc, men do most of their thinking with their-' Valentine's card!" He let go of her so abruptly she nearly fell. "Your Valentine's card! Where did I put it?"

As he inefficiently patted down the bed all around him, Donna covertly pulled the card out from where she'd stuck it down her shirt. "It's right here," she assured him.

"Right where I left it," he said happily. "Open it, open it!"

"Let's get you tucked in first," she said, shooing at him until he crawled haphazardly the rest of the way onto the bed and thudded onto his back, grinning goofily up at her. "Here, I'll unbutton your collar. You want anything else off, you can do it yourself later."

She undid his collar and started to turn away but he grabbed her hand, sitting up again. "Kiss me g'night," he said, squeezing his eyes shut.

She rolled her eyes but humored him, dropping a kiss on his forehead.

"Nuh-uh," he said, eyes still shut. He puckered his lips and pointed to them.

"Oh for the love of…"

He made an insistent noise, still puckered up with his eyes closed.

She gave an exaggerated, long-suffering sigh and leaned down to give his mouth a quick, chaste kiss. "Now, get some sleep, skinny boy."

"Not 'til you read your card," he insisted as she nudged him into lying down once more.

"All right, you nag," she said, ruffling his hair.

"It says it all, Donna," he said in a sleepy, waxing-philosophical tone. "It nigh-on captured the true spirit of Valentine's Day, it did!"

"Oh, I'd say you're the one who captured a few spirits with some righteously high proof," she muttered, struggling to unseal the envelope flap without giving herself a paper cut.

As she pulled out the card and read it, she felt a veritable parade of expressions go across her face. "Um," she said, pressing her fingers to her mouth. "Thank you. That was very… I'm going to let you get some sleep now."

"You're not leaving, are you?" he said in dismay as she edged towards the door.

"Well, you - ahem - need to rest and…"

He scooted over and patted the bed invitingly. The look he gave her would've put a basket of puppies to shame.

"Oh, all right, just for a minute, then," she said and toed off her shoes before propping up next to him. He immediately snuggled into her like she was his favorite teddy bear and, in moments, he was sound asleep, snoring gently.

Her gaze dropped to the card that had fallen to the bed next to her and she bit her lip against the chuckles that tried to escape.

The card had a smiling, cartoon banana on the front, clutching a large red heart, with sparkly block letters spelling out: "Valentine, you have a-peel!"

Then, even with an armful of tipsy, passed-out Time Lord, Donna couldn't hold back her laughter any longer.

fic: rated pg-13, fic: doctor who

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