An Epic Picspam Tale of Epicness!

Feb 04, 2009 19:00

Note: Your epicness may vary. Please consult your owner's manual for a better idea of how much of your own personal amount of epicness to expect... ;)

Yesterday, the following conversation took place. ;)

Mom: (reading a newspaper article out-loud) "...and so the police were watching for a green TARDIS speeding in the left-hand lane and..."
Ais: ???
Mom: *pauses* "I said 'green TARDIS,' didn't I?"
Ais: *starts laughing*
Mom: "It was a Taurus, a green Taurus!"
Ais: *laughing harder*
Mom: "What have you DONE to me?"
Ais: \o/

The Ten/Donna Epic Picspam Tale of Green TARDIS Epicness!™ *giggles*

One day, as Donna was being driven along by her most favorite Alien Santa-Suit-Wearing Evil Robot Driver...


Bob: "Yo."

...some very disturbing news was heard!

Radio announcer: "Warning, a green TARDIS has been spotted speeding in the left-hand lane directly behind the Donna-mobile!"
Donna: "Bob, did you hear that? There's a green TARDIS speeding-- Wait, the 'Donna-mobile,' seriously?"

Bob: "Don't ask me. I just drive where they tell me to go."

Radio announcer: *clears throat* "Green TARDIS right behind you!"

Donna: ""

*bumps into cars*

Muffled noise: "Donnnnnnnnaaaaa..."

Muffled noise: (con't) "Wait for meeeeeeeeeee, Donnnnnnaaaaa!"

Ten: "Donnnnnnnnaaaaaa, don't leeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeeee!"

Donna: "What the--? I'm not leaving you. Bob's driving me to the store, you prawn!"

Ten: "The store? What do you need from the store? Is it...?"

Ten: "Ffffffffffff...

Ten: (con't) "Fudgsicles? Because we've got Fudgsicles!"

Donna: "No, it's fffffffff..."

Donna: (con't) "Fritos!"

Ten: "Donna, come home. We have Fritos!"

Donna: "We DO?"

Donna: "Well, why didn't you say so?"

Donna: "YaaaaaaHOOOOOOOOO!!!"


Donna: "Ooof! I think I may have smashed your Fritos..."

Ten: (high, squeaky voice) "'S okay. Really, as long as we're together, my Fritos will be fine!" ♥!

And so our intrepid time-traveling duo sailed away towards another epic snackin' adventure!

Donna: "Goodbye, Bob! Thanks for the lift!"
Ten: "Later, Bob!"

Bob: "Sure, don't ask if I want some Fritos. Nobody CARES if the Alien Santa-Suit-Wearing Evil Robot Driver would like some Fritos! Sheesh!"

;) But wait, we can't leave without a poll to discuss the REAL burning issue of this tale...


*giggles and hugs you all* ♥!


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