
Snowflake Challenge - Day 1

Jan 01, 2012 20:16

Today's challenge is to self-rec at least three fanfic pieces. This was a difficult challenge, but not because I'm shy about pimping my stuff; it was difficult because when I'm asked to pimp my stuff I never know where to start because I want to rec it ALL.

Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Guardians of Atlantis | Stargate: Atlantis | PG-13 | Gen | 25,518 Words
  • This is the first SGA story longer than 5,000 words that I have ever completed. It started off as an idea after watching Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and it morphed into this. This was written for the 2010 Sci-Fi Big Bang. I lucked out with my beta-reader, who happened to be a chemist IRL, so all my science was corrected and fleshed out into something that could actually be plausible in the course of the SGA universe. I'm proud of this one, and would like to revisit this version of the SGA timeline to either expound upon what I explored in this one, or to maybe toss my OFC into a new situation with the SGA crew.

  • Rendezvous | Star Wars Comics | PG-13 | Wedge/Elscol | 1,300 Words
  • Written for the 2010 Rogues/Wraiths Fic-A-Thon. This one stands out because I was given the details of one of my fellow fans who requested Rogue Squadron pilots that I wasn't overly familiar with. Meaning that I knew they existed, but as I hadn't read any of the comics despite owning them, I was unsure of what I was doing. I did a quick Wookieepedia review on the requested folks and went from there. It turned out really well, all things considered.

  • I Think I Love You | Star Wars Prequels | PG-13 | Obi-Wan/OFC | 1,036 Words
  • This was written for a request-a-fic meme I did in 2007. My friend asked me to write a fic using her OFC Jedi and Obi-Wan. I'm always freaked out when I'm given permission to play with other people's characters (which is ironic, since that's what I do every single time I sit down to write fanfic) so for this to turn out the way it did and for the wonderful reception it got from my friend, I think it deserves an honourable mention.

  • Wedding Vows | Firefly/Serenity | PG-13 | Gen | 630 Words
  • This was based on RP that was going on at the time, wherein my Simon and my friend's Kaylee were finally going to tie the knot. I had this crazed image in my head and this is what became of it :)

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challenge, fandom, snowflake challenge

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