
NaNo - Day 5

Nov 05, 2011 20:05

I haven't been updating like I noramlly do during NaNo.

...Actually, no. I have been updating like I normally do during NaNo: sporadically to not at all. *wry*

It's been a slow start, to say the least. I'm not used to the amount of time that FT retail eats up, so in that respect I miss part-time work. Normally I'd be on or just below par by this point in the game, but as of right now I'm about 5k+ behind. I'm trying to poke when I can, and I even brought my netbook to work with me this week, but the only time I actually had the mental capacity to write was on Tuesday.

Part of the slow-ish start was the time I wasted cleaning off the table to mess with dungeon tiles, as I realized that my starting point required their usage. Unfortunately this spawned a ranty entry of PMS-induced rage at my parents, which just soured my whole evening.

And then every night since then has been me barely getting through all my normal on-line stuff before 9-9:30pm, which ended up leaving me tired and not wanting to look at the screen any longer.

My day off on Thursday, as you can tell by the previous post, was not really a day off. And I admit the time I spent on the mini cross-stitch piece could have been spent on writing, but the novelty of working on an off-line project was too good to pass up. (So not going to mention my Christmas Craft or the birth record I started two weeks ago. Still trying to figure out how to fit them into November's schedule. Looks like they'll have to be shoved to December.)

So, it's been a strange week of trying to adjust to things, specially since my body is still wired for later nights and later-starting shifts. As it stands, my work shifts are either 10-6 or 12-8/1-8, and I'm mostly pulling the 10-6. With the 25-min commute in either direction, that doesn't leave me much time to sleep in and/or work on anything before I have to head out in the mornings. Even the later shift prevents me from putzing around on WoW or what have you.

I hope that next week I'll have gotten the hang of my scheduling, since Monday's I seem to be 1-8 which gives me time to do some minor stuff in the morning and then the rest of the week is 10-6 so I have the evenings to do stuff. I think at this point I need to start looking at all my on-line commitments and finding out what I can cut (*coughFBcough*) and what can be done every other day, etc.

All in all, once I figure that out, I can plan things better. Right now, though, I'm not going to beat myself up over NaNo. I had originally planned for this year to be brutal, and while this isn't quite as bad as getting my ass kicked by Old Testament Theology (next year!) it's still quite a whoopin'.

...Full-time work's annoying, y'all. But it's a job. And it's a job that I am still in love with, in spite of me wanting to BUY ALL THE THINGS OMG MY STORE IS SO SHINY.

So, yeah.

Have a word count for now, and hopefully it won't be too long to get back into the swing of things.


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work, update, nanowrimo

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