To Do Today
- Buy Nativity mats from Michaels (spent $100, whut?! This better turn out AWESOME. 'S all I'm saying.)
- Buy new headphones for FiPod
- Pick up milk for dad
- Pick up pads for me
- Return phone call RE: receptionist job (too late, folks. I applied to you 2 weeks before GH and you're getting back to me now??)
- Call Service Canada RE: WEPP claim (Helpful government employee was helpful; must call back later as they don't have the info from the trustee just yet.)
- Consolodate Avon boxes
- Set up Chirstmas craft space downstairs (Even got the first round of painting done right quick.)
- NOTgetsuckedintoBloodTieszomgwhydidIbuyBloodTiesfacedesk (VICTORY Nelson. Decided to start at the beginning, in spite of already having seen the first 5 eps. Was able to stop after the second ep!)
- Work on NaNovel (Just over 1k today; but now it's late enough that my need for sleep so I don't go into work cranky is warring with the fact that I'm on a roll. D'oh! I miss being a part-timer.)
- See how fast mini cross-sitich will take me, possibly just after lunch (All the time added up was about an hour, and hour and a half, give or take. I just have the backstitching to do, and it'll be ready for mounting. So 2 hours in total by the time it's done?)
- Decide whether it's worth it to continue the discussion on FB with extended family or to accept that cousin-by-marriage hasn't changed AT ALL and will never understand that logic and common sense can never be applied to humanity as a whole. (She replied after I did but didn't seem to comment at all on what I said; so either she's not bothering or I went over her head.)
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