

Jun 17, 2010 15:54

* I think I might be allergic to grass. I was sitting on my front porch while reading my book and the guy next door mowed his lawn. I got a lovely whiff of cut-grass smells, which I adore and then headed inside about 10 minutes later. 5 minutes after getting inside my eyes started stinging for a few minutes, the way they do when you get sweat in them. 20 minutes later my sinuses started to ache right underneath my eyes, and while it's abated, the feeling is still lingering and my forehead feels like it's threatening a headache. The headache and eyes thing could simply be from sun exposure since I a) wasn't wearing sunglasses (or any glasses for that matter) and b) I haven't been outside in the sun very much these past couple of weeks. Also, my nose is ever so slightly, not quite problematic, and seemingly no worse than usually runny on the side that took the brunt of the surgery, so I dunno. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

* Went to the DMV today to pick up a temp license to cover the period of time between my license expiry and my exam. Whole process took about an hour, which is record time for the DMV. Then again, I went in as early as possible and made sure I was there as close to 9am as possible, which is when the office opens. And holy crap the parking lot was packed! They say to be there 30 minutes before your exam to allow for processing time, but I think it'll be wiser to show up 45m to an hour before just to compensate for looking for a spot to park. Am doing my exam at a different place than normal this time around, to see how it goes. If I don't pass (heaven forbid!!!!) I'll be dropped back down to a G1 and will be required to "restart" the whole process. I really hope I won't have to wait 2 years before being able to book the exit exam to get my G2 back, because that would be beyond unacceptable. And seriously speaking? It took me four tries to pass it the first time around. I am so not looking forward to re-doing it. So at this point I say let's not fail the G2 exit and make the necessity a renewal of a shiny new full G-class license and be done with the whole damnable thing. Stupid Graduated Licensing. [And yes, I understand and appreciate the reasons behind having such a system, but holy crap is it ever annoying. I blame the staff at the DMV for being such asshats about it. I'd love to see them drive when they're not on the clock. I bet they're the worst offenders of driver-stupidity ever.]

* Mom's work contract ended last Friday and was not picked up for a full-time position, so I am once more inundated with both parents at home during the day. Oh joy. I'll be the one in the dark corner pretending like she isn't going to kill someone.

* I had a suppossedly-professional, yet exceedingly creepy email experience on Tuesday. It warrants a whole 'nother post, simply because the email text needs to be seen to be believed and the set-up is kinda lengthy. Suffice to say I completely (and legitimately!) forgot to make good on my promise that I would call the guy yesterday and am contemplating at what point I should email him back to apologize and request if the phone-conversation can be done through email.

* My NaNo muses from last November poked me yesterday and tried to demand that I write them porn. I firmly stood my ground and said No. The bothersome bunch has abated, though the remnants of their voices are still lingering and driving me mad. I tried to propose that I write them fluff of a canonical and non-porn variety, and they're still mulling it over. I hope they agree, because I need to write fluff to sate my wishing-like-hell-I-was-in-love mood that has plagued me for the last week or so.

* Finally started those damnable bookmarks that I was planning on making back in, what? December? Oy. Discipline, I has it not.

* I have one taker for my proposed book club thingy, provided she can get her hands on a copy of the book without having to jump through hoops. If anyone else might be interested, my original post on it is here: ( clicky. ) (or you can, you know, simply scroll down, because it's the non-twitter post before this one.)

* Dragons

email, driving, books, random, writing, stuff

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