I was frantically digging through my winter stuff yesterday, looking for a hat, when I noticed on the side of the container a little label warning against placing a baby inside and then putting on the lid. Wtf? Is that something you actually have to warn people against? Is there someone out there who might otherwise think, "I have to go out, but I don't know what to do with the baby. I know! I'll put him in this plastic tub!" It's just so obvious. It's like when I was in Las Vegas, and I went to the natural history museum (one of about only four people there, because people go to Vegas to see strippers, get blind drunk and go to the Wee Kirk O' the Heather wedding chapel for a quickie wedding only to realize 57 hours later that they've made a mistake and so get a quickie annulment, they don't go to learn about the ecosystem of the desert. But it's a good little museum, given that they've probably got an annual budget of about $12 to work with. But I digress) and the girl behind the counter told me not to put my hands in the shark tank, and I was like, "for real?". I was tempted to ask her if anyone had actually tried to pet the sharks. Now, I know that there are idiots out there who do stuff like smear honey on their children's faces so they can get "kissed" by a bear, and then are surprised when the bear eats their child's head. But that can be attributed to the Disney factor. People look at bears and don't see a potentially deadly animal (although if any of them saw Grizzly Man they may change their minds on that), they see Pooh or Baloo or their favourite stuffed toy come to ambling, snuffling life. But sharks have no cuddle factor. Hell, even Bruce in Finding Nemo was kind of scary. At any rate, it just seems glaringly obvious to me that you wouldn't put your hands in a shark tank, just like you wouldn't put a baby in a plastic container. I know that at least some of it is due to legal considerations, but come on. Common sense needs to make a comeback.
Also had some photocopying to do up on campus. Last time I checked, I had two copy cards. And could I find either of them? No, I could not. Dammit. I searched amongst the machines until I found one with the card still left in it, and had just started when some guy wandered over looking for his water bottle. No, there had been no water bottle on the machine. Had there been a card left behind? DAMMIT Yes, there was a card. I popped it out and handed it over. I was kind of annoyed, because there had been $3.70 on it. Stupid honesty. So I had to go buy another card (some guy wandered by again later, still looking for his water bottle. Was I sure there hadn't been a bottle there? Yes. Copy cards are fair game, but what in the hell would I do with someone's used water bottle? I have four, I don't need yours).
Today I dumped out my bag, and lo, there were the copy cards. It's not wonder I end up with six cards by the end of the semester.
I've also been thinking that since as of January 2 I'm going to cease being a mall slave, I need to come up with a new name for my journal. I've also been thinking about changing my LJ name. Agatha Mandrake is rather long and cumbersome, and lacks that certain something. I want a name with punch. A name with pizzazz! A name with Moxie! In lieu of that, something short and easy to spell.
So, I'm guessing you're a Democrat