We got back our mid-terms today. I did reasonably well. Prof wrote that I was "right on the edge of brilliance". I suppose it would have been better if I had actually been on brilliance, but I'll take what I can get (note to self: more detail needed). We also had to present our project outlines. We're supposed to explore an aspect of our own heritage, and present a way we can provide stewardship for it, and listening to everyone's ideas (some were incredibly cool), I found myself besieged with self doubt (my project is lame compared to theirs). We don't really have any special family tradition, and we moved every three years, so there's no spot that's really special to me, and all of my parents families are back in Britain, so I'm doing it on the Stone of Scone, and how you could prove the authenticity or lack there of for the stone in Edinburgh Castle. Several people said it sounded interesting, so that made me feel better. Now I just have to master the mystery that is PowerPoint, and find a decent map of Scotland. Preferably with Scone actually on it. Which the Michelin map did not.
Amazon reviews for the Time 100 best books Heehee. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? It was all about the shameless promotion of Turkish delight.
Saw an ad for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today. Squeee! Niftyorama! They might want to get someone different to do the voiceover, though, because it sounded remarkably like he was announcing Harry Potter and the Cabinet of Fire. And that just doesn't sound right. Or safe.
Finally also saw complete ad for Jarhead. I'm getting very excited about that movie. It was a fabulous book. If you haven't read it, go, Go Now!, and get it.