Riding Dragons In Tornadoes

Sep 05, 2009 21:11

The soothing sound of bug sex tweet tweets the waning of summer after a good long soak. The sound of rain was mighty refreshing,  the best thing I could have hoped for in lieu of actually being able to get myself to the ocean for a spell. This week as my natal Saturn took a beating from Pluto, Mars and Mercury all at once dragged open childhood emotions fresh from dreamland as my pelvic muscles continued to react to a beating from my dad's uncontrolled rage almost 30 years ago. I tried to walk home from PSU after attempting to correct a stupid mistake on petition which I did correct the next day via email, but pelvic muscles made too intense ouch so I caught a bus at Rose Quarter and proceeded to crash before the sun set to the tune of a roomie having a screaming fit under my bedroom window which is the same night the dream dragging up old emotional responses happened. As if that wasn't enough I visited my mom and it's cool that she's taking really good care of her health and can keep a walking pace fast enough to challenge me, but it was still part of what threw my emotions for a loop cause even though I'm happy for her my stressed out freaked out child's mind overwhelmed by a summer of scraping to meet bills and being hungry a lot and getting screamed at by roomates just adds her present time happiness to the pile of shit that's different and adding to the stress. Oh well, In the storm I also managed to find the particular stretches that work out the almost 30 year old wound that's having its Saturn return just as Pluto opposes my Saturn and teaches me how to unmake the wound. I got a care package from someone I barely know via Facebook and UPS. I found some more lyrics today as I walked to my first rehearsal for a version of Parsival where me and my voluminous beard get to play Trevrisant the Hermit. The old emotions still cling, but they don't overwhelm like they did when I was the child who first made them. There's the older goat who practices Kung Fu and knows how to breathe in such a way that slowly breaks up the old icebergs in my neck. And my Kung Fu brother who taught me that way to breathe has returned from Africa. The book I can hardly believe I found at the library continues to teach me a Taoist version of inner alchemy that draws upon and expands upon the western models my life as a magician grew up on as I work on a song whose lyrics are all about just that. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. Speaking of which, I need to do those stretches before the demons in my pelvis start to twist again.
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