(no subject)

Feb 11, 2006 00:20

Well...today was actually alot more productive than I thought it would be.

School was typical. I went to my History class and got my latest test score back...It wasnt so promising. Then I went to Literature and took that test that I was dreading. It was definately one of the longest exams I've taken in quite awhile. But, I really impressed myself with how much I remembered and how well I think that I did.

After class I came home a took a little nap. This is always a highlight!

Then I decided to run some errands. I went to Walgreens, Hallmark, and Target. First of all...Obviously I just cant stay away from Hallmarks! I went to the one on 23 Mile and Gratiot and was pleasently surprised. The real exciting part was that I found packages of Hot Chocolate that instead of turning brown...they're PINK! So of course I had to buy some. Then I was off to Target..I bought a new pair of earrings, 2 magazines that I swear are meant for a school related project, and the movie "Just Like Heaven." Yay!

While in Target I got a phone call from my friend, Alan...Him and my friend Brian were at Rosie O'Grady's and wanted to know if I wanted to join them for a bit tonight. So I went up there and met them...then we preceeded to the bowling alley. This should be a shocker to just about everyone that knows me...Im not, I repeat, NOT a bowler. In fact, under normal circumstances I get very bored with the entire "activity". (I refuse to call it a sport!~) Anyways, I havent bowled since middle school, and I even surprised myself with how decent I played. Now dont get me wrong, this will NOT be one of my new favorite past times, but its nice to do once and while when spending time with friends that you havent seen. It was nice to just hang out with the guys!

OH! Other exciting news...Recently I have been on a Tart Burner hunt. Ive wanted an electric one for awhile now and I could never find one that I considered to be cute enough. I decided to try Ebay, and low and behold...I find a VERY cute one! Its pink (go figure?!) and has a heart cutout on each of the 4 sides. Its very simple...And I am very excited! It should be here by Monday! Whoo who!!

Thats it for now...
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