Mar 09, 2013 21:15

This is the Winners Post of ag_fics' 2nd Fic Battle flavoured Mini Challenge (MC7).

I'd say we could call this little experiment a success. Most of you (at least) doubled your personal ficlet tally from last year - and together we crushed last years' Overall Challenge Tally by over 300%. (So suck it 2012.)

Now, before we pat ourselves on the back, let's remember we almost died. This was crazy. If AGF hosts another Team battle it will not be me hosting because I have learnt my lesson...and if I host an individual fic battle: you're all getting less time. Counting everything is harder than writing. I'm going to have nightmares about it.

We survived (most of us did, anyhow...more on that later), and we bonded, and it was awesome. Certainly it was a very memorable (or perhaps a fic!amnesia filled) experience. Last year, I was going on and on about how creating over 150 new ficlets was insane. OH PAST!THURSDAY, YOU WERE SO EASILY IMPRESSED.

This year we more tripled that number so...I guess we're way past crazy now. Congratulations \o/

I know it's been difficult to properly appreciate the work that was written for you. I know you're not exactly sure what you said and to who you said it. I know you haven't read everything. You might not even know how many Fills you completed…it's all just one hazy, crazy mess.

Well, I'm happy to say we can solve a few of those mysteries right now.

First, our Winners - The Teammates who Conquered Mini Challenge Seven, aka Fic Battle 2.0, aka The Team Fic Battle (aka we have too many names for this battle, le sigh) like bosses - are…drum roll please….


*'We are the Champions' plays*
You probably already guessed that. Coz Piper was a-maz-ing ...and I was just there, basically all i did was show up every now and then. So the real (imaginary) applause belongs to Rubberglue. You wrote a massive amount of ficlets (EIGHTY? HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL?) and it was both inspiring and hella scary. And I say that as your teammate bb. Coz WOW, glad I wasn't writing against you O_o

I'm not going to list all 106 ficlets. You can all check out the Masterlist which I'll be posting (with everyone's fills on it) tomorrow-ish. Also, think of the space. Let's be thrifty.

Now runner up teams are......

2nd: Green team (99)       ||     3rd: Blue Team (95)
rainbow_connec + kbrand5333 + vexena_sky ||   sidhe_faerie + wickedvampirate + railise

Two very worth opponent teams...I know I was scared of Green Team's sheer number of comments (so much talking), and of course the quality of Writers over on Blue Team... you six were part of the reason I ending up questioning if I'd accidentally made teams too strong XD

(Greenies and Blus please click your banners for full size)

This of course leaves...

4th: Purple Team (89)
mara93 + fabyenn + ella_rose88

5th: Yellow Team (86)
a_g_doren + hope27 + 2sam11

Purple Team had me worried towards the end there, they never seemed to run into any problems unlike the rest of us, and Yellow Team...okay, fine - I was also scared of Yellow Team. I was scared of all the teams, you all had three people. Guess I should have had more faith in Piper :P

Now, onto the MVPs of each team. I was very happy to see that all but one of the people I'd mentally labeled 'captain' (of each team) had won MVP. I feel validated...by the good work of others *snorts*


BLUE TEAM MVP - the lovely sidhe_faerie

PURPLE TEAM MVP - the wondrous mara93

YELLOW TEAM MVP - the valiant 2sam11

GREEN TEAM MVP - the incredible kbrand5333

And if you're wondering just how close you came to dethroning Piper Red Team (or winning MVP) check out the leader table below.
(Ignore that it says Mini Challenge Six. I refuse to spend anymore time in Photoshop. There are so many things I should be doing. OMG.)

*'Everybody Dance now' plays*

[Compared to Sep '12 (click to look)]
Compared to Sep '12

(When comparing remember we had double the time this time...and prompting stopped 2 days before, instead of 1...)


REMEMBER: Save the banners to your own computer and upload them to wherever it is you put banners (imageshack, photobucket etc.), no hotlinking ie. using AGF's image URLs thank you :D

Now, onto the sad part of the Challenge as we remember the fallen, those of us who didn't survive...

The Yellow Team ;_;

I kid. No need for tears. You guys were fantastic, I don't care if you didn't survive. It was only 4 prompts that did you in, that's nothing. You wrote 86! That's more than half the final tally for last years' entire challenge.
(That being said, in the back of my head I'm going to think of you guys as zombies...)

Made this for you guys :)


Now, for everyone else, and those who feel they don't have enough banners already (Mara). You have options, including for the first time an animated banner and icon.

Non Animated + Animated


EDIT: *pouts* LJ ate the bottom of my post. WHY DO YOU MOCK ME LJ. I'M SO NICE TO YOU.

Feedback for the Challenge (and/or the Mods):

Dear Future Self, you...

Feedback for the Challenge (and/or the Mods): Hey me, you underestimated this challenge again.

Dear Future Self, you... scheduled this all wrong. And you didn't write a prompt list (again). And you shouldn't host another Team one every again, thank you, for the good of whatever sanity you have left. Also, LJ is an ass who ate your previous mock!feedback - so keep an eye out. It's sneaky. Make everyone write the word 'Prompt' before their prompt. And 'Fill' before their fill - this will make your life so much easier, I can't even tell you.


I had happy things to say here. LJ ate them all. Stuff about muse obstacle courses and team work and fighting and friends and fun and death wrapped in splinters. It was very cheerful. LJ must have been jealous.

So um - congratulations, you all made this memorable :D

Thank you for signing up, and if you haven't already - Go forth and Repost \o/

Piper's made an AO3 collection if you're into that kind of thing.

.challenge: mini - battle flavor, +mod: mustbethursday3, .challenge: mini (winners), +artist: mustbethursday3

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