Title: Prince Arthur's Pitch
Themes and/or Prompt/s Grapevine
Rating: PG
Word count: 582
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, Gwaine, Percival
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin
Summary: Steampunk!Camelot y'all. If you don't know what Steampunk is, check it out here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk Author’s notes: I was thinking about a particular A/G shipper when I wrote this. It's dedicated to her but I can't say who until after the competition is over.
Gwen trotted into the men’s locker room. Sure her corset was strapped on a little tighter than normal today. That she made the slight adjustment to her frock on this day shouldn’t indicate to anyone that she liked him or that she especially enjoyed their brief snog the last time they were alone.
The arrogant blonde captain of the victorious football team stood with his broad chest exposed next to a pair of his teammates. The tall, brawny keeper laughed out loud after he told them something amusing. The handsome midfielder with hair even she envied chuckled quietly and shook his head in denial.
She pushed her shoulders back. Not because she hoped he would notice her efforts but because she was the only female sports reporter in all of Camelot and you needed to assert yourself in the den of males.
“Arthur Pendragon,” she announced as if everyone in the kingdom didn’t know who he was, “I’d love an interview.”
Percival froze. Gwaine smirked while Arthur concentrated on gawking at anything above her neck all the way up to the ceiling. He tried to mouth some words but they refused to pass his lips.
“Is that a yes or a no?” she taunted.
Gwaine slapped him on the back and he coughed. “I think he just agreed,” he said on his behalf. She didn’t even see exactly when Percival disappeared but he’d vanished by the time she’d thought to look over at him again. One would think it impossible given his sheer size but he pulled it off.
“Thank you, Gwaine,” Arthur said as he glared at him.
“My pleasure,” he retorted then crossed his arms, proud grin and all that.
“You can leave now.”
“Are you certain?” he asked him and then looked to Gwen. “You two are always getting into a row. You sure you won’t need me to stay…keep you separated?”
“We don’t,” Arthur grumbled low.
“Thank you Gwaine, but we’re both professionals and he’s not as tough as he looks. I can handle him.”
“You know, I might have heard something like that,” he said tapping a thoughtful finger on his lower lip and narrowed his brow. He practically escaped to the other side of the room after dropping the words that exploded in her ears.
Arthur’s flesh burned red from his fringes down his chest. Gwen balled her hands into fists around her pen and notepad. “What did you say to him?” she railed softly.
“Nothing,” he whispered back hauling her off into one of the little rooms reserved for interviews. The same room they sat in last week when she finally gave in and agreed to kiss him. “I swear, Gwen. I didn’t say a word. Did you tell anyone?”
“Me?” she asked even more incensed. “Why would I tell anyone about that?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
She scoffed. “Oh please. You’re not as great a kisser as you think.”
He must have been offended because he lurched forward to grab her. His lips were on hers a second later while his arms wrapped her into him tight. She was glad for it because her legs were too weak to stand up on their own.
“So when did they install the CCTVs in those rooms again?” Merlin asked.
“At the end of last season,” Gwaine answered the Camelot Dragon’s other midfielder, “Right after that scandal with Valiant and that whole magic business.”
“And Arthur has no idea?” he asked baffled.
“Not a clue.”
“What a dollophead.”
HERE return to the Masterlist.
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