112. fic?

Sep 02, 2010 21:59

10 arthur/eames drabbles
PG13 - violence, language, mentions of sex

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

1. dance 2night - madonna

They entered a dreamspace of absolute light and insanity, and pounding bass. Eames looked instantly in his element, a fluorescent drink in his hand in a very tight black shirt and skinny, skinny jeans.

"You would think he went to gay bars in his spare time," Yusuf mused as they watched him seduce their mark, pulling him by the hips towards him.

Eames didn't look like himself, obviously, but with the mirrors everywhere, they caught flashes of his lips curled into that infamous and predatory grin.

Arthur took a deep breath and shrugged. "He looks like he's having fun," he said, moving out onto the pulsating dance floor and moving in with Eames.

They kept the mark enthralled while they kissed, deep, Eames mussing Arthur's hair and Arthur pushing up Eames's shirt.


2. nothin' but a "g" thang (dr dre cover) - the escape frame

Eames rolled up in the red and white convertible. "Come on, love," he trilled, and Arthur rolled his eyes and hopped easily in the passenger seat. Eames leaned in for a kiss, but Arthur pushed him away with a smirk.

"My dad had a car like this," Arthur mused, touching the cracked leather seat.

Eames turned on the music, bobbing his head easily. His shirt was open at the collar, and Arthur spied bright green hightops on his feet.

"Are we back in the eighties or something?"

Eames just smiled and turned up the music, and they drove off into the sunset. Arthur kept his hand on Eames's thigh.


3. lightning storm - flogging molly

Limbo. What was it, in a man's subconscious?

Eames had been locked in his brain for 3 days, which was something like 50 years, to hear Cobb. Arthur had no idea what he would find as he slowly opened the door of the small cabin; the only one for miles in this desert.

Eames looked up; he looked the same as he always did. Arthur stood at the door, and he nodded for him to come in.



Eames looked past Arthur to the open door. "No, I don't think..." He looked at Arthur. "Is that my name?"

Arthur sat down, and Eames poured him a mug. "Yes, your name is Eames..."


4. early sunsets over monroeville - my chemical romance

Arthur woke at dawn, every day. He watched the sunrise, went for a jog, and then went back to work.

When he jogged, he would jog by many empty things; empty office buildings, empty malls. He could imagine he was the only person living at dawn.

When he returned, Eames would always be asleep, and wouldn't wake for hours. The world filled up, and Eames would leave. He would come back with the sunset at his back, with dinner, sometimes without.

"What happened?"

Arthur looked up to see a gun in his face.

"Are you dreaming?"

Arthur slowly raised his hand, but Eames just stared.

"Are you dreaming?" Eames voice was tight.

"Why would I dream a world where you didn't love me?"

Eames brought the gun to his own head. "And that's where you're wrong," he whispered, pulling the trigger.

Arthur grabbed the gun from his hand and shot himself.

They woke up, staring at each other.

"Do you?"

"Would it make it easier?"

"I'm not sure."


5. dancing with tears in my eyes - ke$ha

Arthur tapped his foot along with the band on stage, turning to drink down his Newcastle Brown.

"Would you mind if I bummed a smoke?"

The man who asked was handsome, with straight cut bangs and blue-grey eyes, but when he smiled, his imperfect teeth stared Arthur straight in the face.

"Yeah, no problem," Arthur said, handing his pack over.

The other man settled next to him, and ordered his own beer, a Fat Tire.

Arthur bothered with his cigarettes, and turned his attention back to the band on stage.

"What are you waiting for?" the man said to the back of his head, and Arthur turned and blinked at him.

"I'll go home with you, all you have to do is ask."

Arthur looked at the man's full lips, at his nervous tapping fingers, at the promise of broad shoulders.

"Do you generally come to dive bars to pick up lonely guys?"

"No, but did it work?"

Arthur stood up. "Why don't you come find out?"


6. dolls - new young pony club

Eames could only tell you about himself in terms what he wasn't on that particular day. He wasn't a woman today, but he was a Brazilian pimp who spoke fast, nervous Portuguese as the mark stared him down.

He was a woman today, a woman with dark smooth mocha skin and giant breasts, bending the mark over her knee as she doled out some disgusting punishment.

"You're mine today," Arthur whispered against his lips, pushing him to a hotel bed somewhere, everywhere. Arthur's lips against his skin were cool, damp. "You're Eames, you're my Eames."

Yes, but, Eames wanted to say, but didn't, just let Arthur kiss him.


7. rat is dead (rage) - css

The day Arthur broke Eames's nose was by any means a normal day. Eames was a dick, Arthur was a bore, and everything was normal.

Until Eames decided to make a crack about Arthur's last girlfriend. In a strange turn of events, Eames had to forge her for a job that didn't involve Arthur.

"The damn town bicycle, she was," Eames said.

"I'm sorry, what did you say," Arthur said, voice soft.

Eames raised his eyebrow. "What, are you going to protect her virtue or something, Sir Arthur?"

And Arthur flew across the room, grabbing Eames by the collar. "Choose your next words carefully."

Eames smirked. "Your girl was a slut..."

And so Arthur broke his nose.


8. parentheses - the blow

Arthur pulled Eames toward him. "Okay, back front side side front back, you got it?"

"Vaguely," Eames replied. "Are you leading?"

"Well you don't know the damn dance, right? Then I'm fucking leading."

"Language, darling," Eames said, following Arthur.

"See, it's not so bad," Arthur said once they had found a rhythm. Eames just nodded. "You're not bad."

"Mm, we took dance at school. It were mandatory." Eames took the chance to dip Arthur, grinning at him. "Still not bad?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow at him. "Better than not bad," he murmured, letting himself be pulled up and then kissing Eames, holding onto his lapels.

Eames pulled back, eyes wide. "Oh...oh."

"Let's go over the steps once more."


9. bone house - the dead weather

The house stood at the top of a very tall hill, and inside the house, there sat a chair.

"This is not kosher," Arthur muttered, staring at the chair.

"I think it's...a puzzle? A hint?"

"We're controlling the dream, Eames, how...what does this mean?"

"This whole house can be the safe..." Eames stepped forward and sat down on the chair.

It promptly collapsed underneath him, and a hole opened up where the chair had been, and Eames went screaming down.

Arthur rolled his eyes, rolling up his sleeves and flinging himself down the hole.

"We're late, we're late, for a very important date!" Eames called to Arthur, doing a slow somersault in the air.

Arthur just sighed. it would be a long way down.


10. love lockdown - kanye west

Eames sat up, rubbing his face. Arthur pulled him back down, straddling him as he continued beating him to a pulp.

Eames finally grabbed a hold of Arthur's wrists, squeezing them and pushing him back. His momentum sent them flying to the ceiling, and Arthur yelled in frustration.


"STOP FIGHTING IT!" Eames roared in response. "It's finished."

"Fuck you, we are getting out of this, if it is the last thing we do," Arthur hissed back as Eames tossed him to the opposite wall. Arthur crashed through the wall, landing on the floor in the other room.

Eames swam over to the other room. "Now will you listen to me?"

"Not if we were the last people on earth."

"WELL GUESS WHAT, WE FUCKING ARE!" Eames grabbed the ceiling fan and swung himself around, catching Arthur's jaw with his foot.

Arthur crumbled and Eames hopped down to scoop him up.

"This doesn't mean you lose," Eames said softly.

"Of course it does," Arthur muttered back. "You were right."
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