Have to go with the flow, you know?

Jan 12, 2011 02:44

I have a problem. Here it is:

I tend to place faith in everyone, sometimes more faith than they deserve. Why? Because it's my nature to perceive people so that they fit perfectly into my world. I'm not suggesting that any person has done anything wrong or is at fault, but my impression of them is tainted when I feel like they're not living up to my standards. But I should actually be questioning myself. Maybe I move too quickly, expect too much from someone without understanding him or her completely. This whole premature judging/holding of expectations is unfair and it's not exactly conducive to developing a healthy, strong relationship with anyone. You have to really understand each other and build something solid before you can start to expect things from one another. And constructing that bond can take a really long time, because it SHOULD take a long time for two people to really become familiar with one another's characters.

So why do I feel so bent out of shape about it? I'm establishing a relationship with someone, and I'm already worried about stupid, petty things because I want to ensure that our friendship builds and is perfect. I become concerned over every little thing I say and I don't feel like I'm being myself. This has to stop. I won't have it anymore. You have to just live your life on your own terms and not feel like any person has CONTROL over what you say or do, because that undermines your own self-worth.

So from now on, that's what I'm going to. I'm going to be who I am and I'm not going to worry about what other people may think of it or how other people may think of me as a person. I am who I am, and I will not let myself be altered or swayed because someone worms their way into my emotions. Sure, I will still care about everyone and be a reliable friend, but I will not hold juvenile or unreasonable expectations for anyone simply because of unfounded, barely-solidified beliefs about the nature of our relationship.

Just go with the flow, trust your spirit, and don't chain up how you really feel. And more importantly, let other people do the same. That's the best way to just be happy, free spirits enjoying the world together. Cheesy? Yes. But true? Absolutely.
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