thieves and hypocrites

Feb 28, 2012 16:30

As most of you who are friended to this blog know, Comic Con is my favorite event of the entire year, when I get to go. I don't usually go to panels, mostly because there's so many and not all of them interest me, but I have noticed that in certain areas, there is a distinct lack of women as panelists (a big one is the big DC Comics panel).

Paul Cornell wants to fix that.

I think it's a grand idea. I know that I'd love to go to a panel with more women comics writers on it, and not just a panel about women (as Comic Con does have). I'd be more inclined to go to a DC panel if I knew I had the chance of seeing, say, Gail Simone up there (I purposefully missed a panel I really wanted to see just to meet her a few years back...and it was totally worth it).

But it shouldn't just extend to panels. Major booths with autograph lines should try and include more women for the purpose of meeting and greeting. I've run into far more men while trolling the floor than women, and while I still love the guys, t would be much cooler to see more women represented.

Those are my two cents. Discussion is encouraged.

afteriwake reads too much..., thinky thoughts, afteriwake is a geek/nerd/dork, famous people: other

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