Making some progress on my
bleachbigbang fic. So far I've severely injured Matsumoto (I figured her bankai would be like Byakuya's, shikai x eleventy-zillion, and if she gets caught in it...uh oh) and killed Byakuya (and I didn't even have him doing something cool, either...he was already dying by the time Kyoraku gets to him), making it about 3K in fic. I want to keep this a lot shorter than 10K...maybe 7K, 8K at most. I still need to bring Nelliel and Grimmjow in, and decide once and for all if I'm killing Kyoraku or not. Leaning towards "yes, dying in a last ditch effort by the bad guys to break into the underground base."
I think I might add some "special guests" that got reluctantly dragged into battle (Harribel and her fraccion) to the other battle fic I'm writing: Sui Feng ran into them, remembered Orihime had saved them, and they were her sources for information...they don't agree with the fight to Soul Society or the world of the living, and make themselves available before the fighting starts. I haven't touched the second fic at all, to be honest. Maybe I should, since I'm writing both for
bleachbigbang. First deadline is looming...but if I finish one then that's a month to work on the second. Decisions, decisions...