Are you ready?
It's finally here....
The 2019 AfterCamlann Posting Schedule!
Please be sure to grab your posting headers and read the detailed posting information here: September 5
slashweaver and
altocello [confirmed]
September 8
seaweed-is-cool and
Valika56 [confirmed]
September 10
slantedknitting and
merlocked18 [confirmed]
September 12
satsuki_tears and
delicious-irony [confirmed]
September 14
bunnysworld and
lfb72 [confirmed]
September 16
szpurka and chikynosara [confirmed]
September 18
slantedknitting and
schweet-heart [confirmed]
September 20
amuk and nepomolly
September 23
violeteyedhair and
siennavie [confirmed]
September 25
dlanadhz and
lefayart [confirmed]
September 27
fictionista654 and
mistbornhero September 30
skitz-phenom and
siennavie [confirmed]
October 2
sdewan6 and
literaltortoise [confirmed]
October 4
rotrude and
lfb72 October 7
tayastrange and
limeonik [confirmed]
October 9
clea2011 and
lfb72 [confirmed]
October 11
ivalee and
brolinskeep [confirmed]
October 14
geekslave and
puckboum October 16
polomonkey and
mushroomtale Notes: If you can not make your posting date PLEASE EMAIL THE MODS ASAP!
Authors and Artists, please comment here to confirm your dates!
Also, please check to be sure you have posting access to the
aftercamlann community. If for some reason you don't have access, please email the mods and we'll get you sorted! Thank you!
Please re-check your dates. There may have been changes made after the list was originally posted. (Last edited 3:00 AM CST, Thursday, Sept 5.)
(Once you confirm, I will not change your dates without checking with you directly.)