Hello Everyone! The deadline for submitting 1st rough drafts and summaries for artist claiming is coming up in five days. Monday June 6 is the last day we will be accepting submissions.
Countdown Clock However, you may start sending in your submissions as of now.
Please Note: If you are already pre-matched with an artist you do not need to submit a rough draft & summary at this time. This is only for writers seeking an artist for their story.
1.Rough drafts are due on June 06 11:59 PST (see countdown clock above). This is when the artist sign ups close as well. You basically have until I wake up on the 2nd to get your submissions in.
2. You must have a minimum of 15k to qualify for artist claiming. This rough draft should be approximately 65% of your estimated final word count. Your rough draft must include a beginning, middle and either an ending or a clear plan for the ending.
3. Please send your drafts to: aftercamlann@gmail.com
4. Please send and attach your story in a single document in either .rtf, .doc, or .docx file so that I am able to open it. If you send me a doc in ANY other format it DOES NOT COUNT and your summary will not be included in artist claiming.
5.Put your username and story title in the subject line of your email. I am asking for titles at this time. However, I realize titling is difficult for some so if you wish to change the title of your story later on, that's perfectly OK.
6.Please copy the header in the text box below, paste it into the body of your email, and fill it out completely and please leave the html tags intact.
Author(s): Title: Rating: Current Word Count: Estimated Final Word Count: Pairing(s) or Gen: Warnings: Traditional Art/Graphic Art/Video/Fanmix (Please specify which of these medium/media of art that you wish to receive. If you have no preference and love everything, say so here!): Art specifics (List any specifics of the art that you want or don't want to receive.): Summary for Artists: Writers, if for some reason you can't submit a draft at this time you can still stay in the fest. You can either post as a stand-alone or endeavor to find an artist on your own.
Regarding a plan for the end of your fic: What am I looking for? If you haven't written the ending yet, I want you to include a summary of how you plan to end the fic IN YOUR DRAFT. This can be as simple as copying & pasting part of your outline into the draft. If you don't have an outline, story map or other written plan for your story then just add a short paragraph to the bottom of your draft explaining how you are planning to end the fic.
Please note: Summaries are meant to be anonymous so as not to influence an artist's choice based on who is writing the story. This is to keep the focus on the content of the story itself, rather than making it into a popularity contest of who gets to art for who.
Any questions? Ask them here or PM
ac_mod. I am playing catch up with messages atm but I will do my best to answer in a timely manner.
Good luck everyone and keep on writing!!