Mar 04, 2006 22:18
So, me. hmmm, yea. Well thankfully midterms are over with. It was definitely the week of hell. I am such a procrastinator and make such bad decisions...but it was worth it. I'm also highly aggravated in the presense of another, that didnt help. I dont know what my deal is, but i detest so much lately. BUt i got all done that needed to be done. which productivity does make me oddly happy. Internship fair went well, i was there awhile shooting the shit with people and surprisingly had a good time.
Janet's birthday celebration was on wed. Got to meet some of her friend she graduated college with and also had time to finally chill with my bertuccis bros. I dont see enough of them lately with school. Lots of laughs and drunkeness later on. I had such a good time, i dont think i have smiled and laughed so much in a long time. I like the environment with all of them. They matter, an dthe contrast against others that i thought did matter kinda hurts sometimes, but honestly i am glad and wouldnt have things any other way. I dont think i would not have them in my life as much if shit hadnt hit the fan in many other aspects of my life. But having your drinks bought and having people think you are fabulous is a good time. always is haha. but yea later that night trying to write a midterm at 3 am still pretty drunk is quite hard. but i did it. no sleep, but i did it. and my paper came out pretty damn good too.
Last night i went with Noah and Donnie to see their friend Buckley play at some bar. Noah definitely has my taste in music down, he thought i would like it and was so right. I miss seeing live music, maybe i can get back into the -ish. Maybe not so much like before though...anyways i have been spending a lot of time with him. It's a great situation, i feel really comfortable with him and he doesnt ask too much of me. he keeps me on my toes and even though sometimes it is frustrating, i still like it too. Plans ensue to watch the two hour episode of 24 together...i have a sneaking suspicion i got him into it. either way i look forward to the time i spend with him.
Work has been decent and get to see the 'rents in RI on Tuesday.
It's funny how much things have changed...