The short of it.

Oct 23, 2005 18:31

I was in a car crash last night. Everybody's all right. I hit my head and the seatbelt made my lower abdomon really sore, but that's it. They took 3/4 of us in ambulances to the hospital, where they did all the typical hospital things to me(take my medical history, pulse, blood sample, urine sample, blood pressure), gave me a cat scan and x-rays. Everything checked out normal. I have a contussion on my head where it got hit, and there were some shards of glass in my scalp that a surgeon removed. Nobody could get hold of my mother because she was at her boyfriend's house until 3am. My friend's family stayed with me at the hospital until I was released, and then brought me home with them. They were very sweet. Today my mother acted as if she didn't care, like nothing had happened. I told her this and she said she was preoccupied with money/house issues, such as the fact that we need a new septic tank. Here is where I would angrily rant about our relationship and her behavior, but I'm keeping it short. I'm wearing the glasses I had when I was 15 because my glasses flew off my head when we crashed, I couldn't feel them before I got out of the smashed car, and then they towed the car. My mom said I could get new glasses since insurance would pay for them, as it's been well over a year since my last pair. -shrug- Why not. There's still a mark on my arm where the IV was. Stupid IV.
I have a midterm tomorrow and another the day after. I haven't been to the class since before Rosh Hoshanoh, the one I have the Tuesday midterm in. I've been studying for the other one since I got back to Stony Brook, despite the fact that it hurts my head. I had a copy of Pride and Prejudice with me in the ER, in my bag, and was cursing my head for not letting me read it. I was also freaking about my midterms. How typical.
My head hurts a lot, I'm slightly dizzy, and it doesn't help that my glasses are the wrong perscription. I'm hungry, and I know I need to eat, but I don't want to go outside for food. Things have just sucked lately. At least I stole some Reeses Peanut Butter cups from my house.
Wow it got dark fast.

health, anger, body, frustration, family, friends, anxiety, classes

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