(no subject)

Mar 29, 2009 22:53

Player Name (or nickname): Karra

Player Contact (email or AIM): YOU KNOW WHERE

Character Name(full): Allison Young

Nickname (what they like to be called): Allison

Fandom (series of origin) or OC: Terminator

If your character is not from Nolan'verse, how do you think you'll need to adapt them Narrows'canon? Well, obviously, she is not an actual robot from the future. She does, however, suffer from a delusion that she is such.

Age: 21

Short Bio:

Allison Young is from Palmdale. She was born there. She grew up there. She took ballet lessons and learned to play the piano in Palmdale. She lived with her sister and her parents, she played and had a fairly normal life there.

Until her birthday, her 18th birthday. July 22nd 2004. Griffith Park. When her family got caught in the middle of an altercation between a woman, Sarah Connor, and a few bad people, including a man named Margos Sarkissian. Her parents were killed, her sister was killed. Everything after that is a blur and a haze of screaming and blood and running.


When she woke up, she was in an abandoned building. A series of abandoned buildings. A factory of some kind, maybe. She only knew that she was alone and she couldn't find her way out. And after a little while, she wasn't so alone anymore.

Folie imposée is where a dominant person initially forms a delusional belief during a psychotic episode and imposes it on another person or persons with the assumption that the secondary person might not have become deluded if left to their own devices.

It's amazing what people can do to you, the right combination of trauma, drugs and methods of...control. Persuasion. What people can make you see, make you do, make you feel. What they can make you believe.

Allison: I think I am a machine.
Rita: A machine? What kind of machine?
Allison: From the future.
Rita: What do you do in the future?
Allison: I'm an infiltrator.

It took months and months, but with patience and a firm hand...well. Sarah had Allison Young believing exactly what she wanted her to believe. But that would suggest that Sarah didn't believe it herself, and that's jut not true. Sarah Connor entirely believes right down to the core of her being that she was put on this earth to protect her son from machines. Machines from the future that want to kill him.

And when she saw Allison, when she saw that Allison survived. When she saw that Allison was scratched, and injured but alive, she firmly believed that this girl was one of those machines. A machine in a girl's body, sent back to kill her teenage son. And...well. A little reprogramming will fix that, she told herself.

And for the most part, Allison has come to believe that these things are true as well. That Sarah has brought her into a rather dysfunctional family of people to protect her son. To protect John Connor.

That the life she had before was a lie.

For the most part.

And if sometimes, when she's around John or when she thinks too much about her mother or her father and start to doubt, starts to make mistakes, if her hands start to shake...well, that's just a glitch, right? An error in programming. Easily fixable.

John: A bird did that?
Allison: No, I did that. Look.
John: Wiggle your fingers. Yeah, there's damage, but it's buried pretty deep in there.
Allison: I don't know how it happened.
John: Oh, well it was probably during a fight. You're not designed to fight other machines.

But she was close to John. And John was close to Allison. Of course, that was the point. Allison couldn't protect John if she didn't feel a bond with him, but Sarah worried that the bond they had was too much. That John felt things for Allison that he should not feel for a girl that she'd turned into a machine.

A machine that protected him. A machine that killed to protect him. (A girl that killed for him)

And she began to worry. How far would Allison go to protect John? What would happen if Sarah was seen as a theat against John? Would Allison kill her?

John: So how often do you lie?
Allison: When it's required.
John: Do you lie to me?
Allison: Sometimes.
John: About important things?
Allison: Yes. Important things.

They did things, all of them. To protect John. To stop "the machines". They hurt people. Blew up buildings. Got injured, nearly got killed. Though Sarah would never admit to that, not regarding the girl. Machines can't be killed. They can be repaired. Replaced. But not killed.

Their travels brought them to Gotham, and Sarah's worries escalated. Allison began to "glitch" more often. Began to talk about her family. Started asking questions. Started to stop believing. She thought about protecting John, of course. Protecting John from Sarah.

Not that she knew how to do it.

Not that Sarah knew, exactly, what she was going to do about Allison. Not yet.

It was perhaps fortunate, perhaps unfortunate for the both of them that this dysfunctional and bizarre unit was taking the rail on the day the Joker decided to crash that train right off it. And Allison was injured. Badly injured.

And when she finally wasn't...well. Sarah and John Connor were gone.

And now Allison Young is alone.

Powers: Flexible, due to ballet training as a girl, and okay at hand to hand combat. She knows how to use a gun. Stubborness. That's totally a power. If she were trying to hurt you, it would be really difficult to convince her to stop.

Appearance (and/or attach a photo): http://i41.tinypic.com/2jg5dvr.jpg

Writing Sample: [This doesn't have to be for the character you're applying, but it should be around 200 words. Link/post to anything you've written and liked.]


What do you hope to get from and bring to the community: mayhem and CAKE.
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