(no subject)

Mar 30, 2009 15:59

Allison: You're freaking me out.
John: I'm freaking you out? You really not know who you are?
Allison: I'm Alison. From Palmdale.
John: You're not from Palmdale. You're from the future. You're a machine.
Allison: A what?
John: The chip is messed up again, but I can fix you. I fixed you once, remember?
Allison: Fixed me? Why would you fix me?
John: Come on, we have to get out of here.
Allison: What did you do? Did you hurt me?

Sarah: Do you have any idea what is going on? I lost him. I lost John.
Allison: I understand.
Sarah: It's impossible for you to understand.
Allison: Without John, your life has no purpose.
Sarah: You try to open your hands just a little... and it's too soon.
Allison: Is it?

John: You're really good at math.
Allison: Yes.
John: You want to do mine?
Allison: Yes.

Maria: You have taken ballet before?
Allison: Yes...no..
Maria: The height is nice. Beautiful feet, but your upper body is little mechanical. Remember, you are a cat.
Allison: I'm a cat.

John: So how often do you lie?
Allison: When the mission requires it.
John: Do you lie to me?
Allison: Sometimes.
John: About important things?
Allison: Yes. Important things.

Sarah: So why didn't you say anything to him, to me, to her, anybody!.
Allison: I have made my position on security quite clear. Nobody likes a nag.

Sarah: Fool's errands and the fathers of Nablus. It's been a great day.
Allison: Brothers.
Sarah: What?
Allison: Brothers of Nablus. Genesis, chapter 34.
Sarah: You've memorized the bible?
Allison: Jacob's daughter Dinah is raped by Shechem, Prince of Nablus. He falls in love with her. Shechem's father comes to Jacob and strikes a bargin to allow his son to marry Dinah.
Sarah: That's brave of him.
Allison: Jacob says yes, on the condition that all the men in Shechem's town be circumcised.
Sarah: Everybody gets what they want.
Allison: Three days later while Shechem's men were still in pain from the circumcision, Dinah's brothers rode into the city and killed them all.
Sarah: It's your kind of story.
Allison: Yes. My kind of story.

Allison: My jacket. Give it to me.
Dave: Come and get it!
Allison: (Allison draws her gun) Come and give it to me.

John: What are you doing?
Allison: Feeling what it's like to get away from it all.
John: I don't think you are.
Allison: What do you mean?
John: If by feelings you mean emotions, I'm pretty sure you still don't have any of those. And if by feeling you mean what it feels like to have the wind blow through your toes or your hair...I'm pretty sure you can't feel that either.
Allison: I don't think you understand how we work. I have sensation. I feel. (Allison sticks her arm out the window) I wouldn't be worth much if I couldn't feel.

Eric: What is this?
Allison: A 17-round glock nine millimeter semi-automatic.
Eric: Why do you have it?
Allison: In case I need it.
Eric: Have you ever used it?
Allison: Yes.
Eric: Are you in trouble?
Allison: No.
Eric: Are you afraid of someone?
Allison: Afraid? No.

Allison: Are you busy?
John: No. Did you change?
Allison: It's hot out.
John: Since when do you feel heat?
Allison: I feel heat.

Allison: What am I going to do with you?
Riley: I don't understand. I don't know what you mean.
Allison: Children and family services respond to complaints. Are you a complainer?
Riley: No. No, I never told them anything. What would I even tell them?
Allison: You don't belong here. John isn't right for you and you're not right for him. He can't see that.
Riley: Stop, please, you're freaking me out.
Allison: You're unreliable. I don't know what you do.
Riley: I'm just John's girlfriend. That's it.
Allison: You can't be John's girlfriend. You're a threat. You can't stay here anymore, but I can't let you leave.

John: Were you going to kill her?
Allison: I don't know what I was going to do.
John: What do you mean you didn't know what you were going to do? Since when do you not know what you're going to do?!
Allison: I don't know. You should have killed her. She's a threat to you.
John: That is not your decision to make.
Allison: It's usually not a decision.
John: Well obviously it is this time. And it's not yours. What's happening with you?
Allison: I don't know.


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