Решил немного побыть "адвокатом Дьявола", хе-хе. Не раз писал (
например), что популярная в кругах разной степени маргинальности теория грядущего "Мира панрегионов" (лично я люблю у товарисча
khazin такое почитать) не имеет ни малейшего экономического смысла - общая эффективность системы заметно упадёт, нескольким процентам станет жить лучше (но мы в них
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No billions of customers in the Space. So, the result is in low business interest, which is limited by PR/propaganda budgets.
In modern world slaves think they're customers, some people think earth is flat, some people worship retail, some other worship guns, it's complex system.
Surely, some countries recently destroyed their air force, their space industry etc. Only I don't think they're actually happy about that.
A country with no air force has less say, than a country with air force. I would think. I might be wrong about current moment, but I think I'm correct in general.
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