Just got my order in of fabulous clothes from Torrid.com! About to go run up and try them on, so I can do my own personal fashion show (I tried them on last night after getting back from hanging out with
jane_stclaire and
veins_of_ink , but I was a bit bleary-eyed).
Speaking of which, thanks you guys for the wonderful Scrubs-A-Thon yesterday! It was so nice for Story and I to spend all day with you two and enjoy some time with JD and Super Chocolate Bear (OMG I so love Turk. He is soooo hawt. I totally loved him in Clueless already, but rewatching a bunch of Scrubs episodes just reminds me of my love for him).
I'm finally starting to feel better today after about a week long sickness. I've been sticking to my water drinking goal each day, as well as plying myself with tons of tea, all of which has helped my body combat the great Head Cold of Late 08-Early 09. Though I'm feeling like I'm on an upswing, I'm not going to push it by jumping back into physical activity just yet. Instead, I shall spend my free time today playing a little WoW and catching up with guildy friends.
I can't believe it's less than a week before I go back to work. EEK! I'm really excited, but also a bit sad that maternity leave is over. Sigh. Well, at least I know Story has awesome daycare lined up (my friend's mommy will be taking care of her), so she's in good hands. I get so happy thinking of how she'll grow and learn while I'm back at work.
Ok, off to go play that crazy WoW!